
Basically every person who thought about this for even 10 seconds warned google this was going to happen. Google's entire incentive structure is monetization-via-ranking-via-SEO-&-clicks. People are clicking "AI" porn, & people Making "AI" porn are manipulatively lying in their SEO to drive traffic
Please, for the love of all that is holy and prosocial and compassionate and good, learn to center those people who have both lived experiential knowledge and hard-won expertise in how technology affects marginalized people, and then heed their damn warnings and recommendations.
Basically every person who thought about this for even 10 seconds warned google this was going to happen. Google's entire incentive structure is monetization-via-ranking-via-SEO-&-clicks. People are clicking "AI" porn, & people Making "AI" porn are manipulatively lying in their SEO to drive traffic
Noble's Algos of Oppression was 2018 & joined a living conversation, but we're still nowhere because a bunch of mostly white dudes w/ cartoon dollar signs where their critical thinking skills should be keep slathering themselves in LLM/GPT/"AI" & running down the street screaming "We Are The Future"
this is completely tangential but I googled the book and got this which I think if anything proves your point:
In the weeks leading up to our book launch for "The Secret Life of Data" in April, we found at least three self-published (probably AI-generated) books with the same title on Amazon. I think that's standard practice these days.
Not looking forward to the very near future when people have to give ISBNs with their book recommendations, as title and even author name won't work anymore.
Not just book recommendations; everything we share will have to come with validating metadata. Whoever makes this frictionless is going to make bank.
It would be ironic if all the Gen AI pollution were going to finally create a real use-case for blockchain.
It's a huge issue, and I'm unsure how Amazon is not responsible for ensuring the products they sell are legitimate. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I would suggest the dollar signs haven't replaced their critical thinking skills, just swallowed up and assimilated any other values they might have had. They still think critically about how to vacuum up more capital as quickly as possible.
I'd agree, but also think it depends which ones we mean. Like, investors? Critical thinking skills. CEOs? Values and morals
I guess I just think people usually make decisions in line with their actual values (as opposed to the values they believe they hold), so the investors choosing to invest in unethical trash is because they value expected ROI over bad real-world consequences for everyone else, including themselves?
greed is, of course, part of it. and i need to read noble's book, so forgive me if i say something that she wrote more eloquently about, but another huge factor in the direction tech goes is how people in power can use it to reify their power over marginalized people, such as over women's bodies
That's definitely a part of it, yes. (Noble gets into some of that, but others in the space touch on it more directly; things like 'data feminism,' 'what can she know,' and other stuff on epistemic violence)