daniel 🫠

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daniel 🫠


dreaming of protocol level sovereignty

bsky team 🌅
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more technical details on this demo relay setup. thinking of going through a couple more network services, like AppView
have an extra relay running at 'relay-ovh.demo.bsky.dev'. it is currently crawling/relaying the vast majority of the network, and should respond to crawl requests. $153/month bare metal instance
Notes on Running a Full-Network atproto Relay (July 2024) | bryan newboldwhtwnd.com These are some informal notes on setting up a full-network atproto Relay, using the bigsky relay software developed by Bluesky. This is the same software we run ourselves at https://bsky.network. The ...
had a dream last night where @kelsey.bsky.social said something uncharacteristic & it made me realize i was dreaming. i've never lucid dreamed before but i've read about it a bit so i tried the "finger through palm" thing and my finger didn't go through my palm ...
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PDS firehose consumers: we are starting to deploy updated "identity" event and new "account" events, to support account takedowns and to synchronize infra takedowns. we'll be documenting and specifying this soon, just noting that you might seem some early new events on the firehose soon
chopping all my hair off and telling the guy at the menards paint counter that “I dont normally look like this”
northern lights boy // northern lights cow
wait who tf labeled this account that liked and replied “hello handsome” to my criminally under appreciated logical v wall clock post as “spam”
chef living up to her name
logical clocks: forward movement, collaborative, forming order out of chaos. understandable, grounded in reality and pro-human wall clocks: the mausoleum of all hope and desire
had a great time chatting with @gergely.pragmaticengineer.com & @hejelin.bsky.social, looking back at the last couple years!
Ever wondered how Bluesky was built? With @hejelin.bsky.social , we spent the last couple of weeks talking with @pfrazee.com, @dholms.xyz (two "founding" engineers) to get a sense of how this platform went from zero to where it is today. Read it here: newsletter.pragmaticengineer.com/p/bluesky
it is NOT illegal to add mezcal to your carne asada marinade
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This is actually super friggin cool WhiteWind is built on AT Proto using the same repo their Bluesky posts live in and is leveraging Bluesky's Relay to get data from their PDS to any firehose consumers. They wrote their own AppView on top of it and are reusing the Bluesky profile record too!
🌟 WhiteWind TechTalk 🌟 We're thrilled to announce the launch of new article series: WhiteWind TechTalk! 🚀 In our very first edition, dive into the fascinating world of atproto - get to know the key players and their roles in an engaging overview. whtwnd.com/whtwnd.com/3... #atproto #atdev
Introduction to atproto 1: What is PDS? What Features Does It Have? | whtwnd.comwhtwnd.com
ozark mountain eclipse
unbelievably grateful for the time I spent with Fission working there totally changed how I think about both the craft of programming and how to wrangle the sorts a networks we're building @expede.wtf & @bmann.ca are good peoples and leave me continually inspired 💙
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I bet @dholms.xyz uses one basket for his eggs
feeling nostalgic after all the recent launches and wanted to share a quick visual history of the maturation of the atproto network just a year ago, this entire network was contained on one server - the primordial PDS (also plz excuse my horrible artistic skills 💅)
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real at protocol has never been tried
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@matthieu.bsky.team welcome to the Bluesky team! (Matthieu has actually been working on making OAuth function with atproto / Bluesky for a while now!)
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biblically accurate shrimp 👁️👁️ 👁️🦐👁️ 👁️👁️
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you can conceive of the internet as a society or a content-generation box but if you do the latter then you might as well replace the users with AI bots because that's where you're headed
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atproto devs! some upcoming protocol changes to support Composable Moderation. for the most part, there should be no rush to implement these: existing apps and services should continue to operate safely by default
March 2024 Protocol Updates · bluesky-social atproto · Discussion #2293github.com The Bluesky team has been making good progress implementing our Composable Moderation system. We will be sharing more technical and protocol details when that is initially launched, but there are a...
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I'm not sure what exactly is going on in the Discord for third-party Bluesky developers, but apparently these book covers are making the rounds 🤣 (created by @andrew.bsky.to and @futur.blue respectively)
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Got to talk with @pfrazee.com and @dholms.xyz about how Bluesky is built and... WOW. I didn't realize how small the team is; the practical engineering choices made; and how interesting the protocol and choices around it are. More details coming soon!
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two states of programming: 1. what if I bought some land. just leave all this bullshit behind. (currently working on task) 2. I am a fucking genius that will never die. (finished task)