Greg Pincus

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Greg Pincus

Writer. Likes to rhyme, though not when writing movies or novels. But you should see my shopping lists! Has never bought an orange. #kidlitchat cohost for 14+ years on ex-Twitter (and now here on Tuesday nights at 9 PM EST!). Still bats and throws righty.
Thanks, all, for joining in another #kidlitchat, your trusted source for weekly chats about #kidlit and related thangs. See you here next week, I hope!
For year's I've followed for news and updates wherever I can find him. #kidlitchat
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TOPIC: The publishing industry changes daily, it seems. What are the most reliable sources for information on the currents and eddies that can affect how you navigate your creative career--publications? professional panels? best-seller lists? #kidlitchat
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#kidlitchat tonight! I made a starter pack to find and follow some of the regulars! Join the conversation
One hour until #kidlitchat, I tell ya! (9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific in case you don't see this at the exact moment I am thinking it). Let us gather. Let us invite our friends. Let us chat! See ya soooooon....
Tonight at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) it’s #kidlitchat right here on Bluesky! Join us for an hour of #kidlit community, conversation, virtual desserts, and much more. Hope to see you here then!
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Reminder: #KidLitChat tonight (every Tue night) 9p ET / 6p PT, co-hosted by & Follow for the topic. Banner art by I use to more easily monitor the chat but you can also just keep reloading search pg.
Thanks for joining in on another #kidlitchat. We're a fine group, I must say. Glad to see Bluesky (and chat) community growing! And I look forward to seeing you next week right here.
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Speaking of workshops... Registration is open for the Preparing Your Perfect Presentation online workshop that I promised a couple of weeks ago. :) Just in case anyone missed the post I sent when I got it set up!
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Also grateful to & for #kidlitchat. Getting to know some of the kidlit community that way helped me feel less nervous when going to an SCBWI conference! Here's one of my ice-breaker comics I printed out for helping me meet people (I WAS SO NERVOUS!).
whew. time slipped away! But I'm here at #kidlitchat only a tad late
TOPIC: Becoming a part of a group: meet-ups, critique groups, professional organizations, paid communities, workshops, promotional partnerships--each plays a different role in your creative journey. Which affiliations have had the most impact for you? #kidlitchat
Early Tuesday reminder that #kidlitchat happens here at 9pm Eastern/6 PM Pacific. And, of course, you are invited to join us!
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Yes, please join us! The best way to follow this or any chat is to install on your desktop. There you can create a column for the #kidlitchat hashtag. Then, just show up at 9pm Eastern every Tuesday and follow along. It's an after-hours get-together to talk shop...or whatever! Get the most out of Bluesky with a multi-column layout
Thanks to all for joining in and offering advice tonight. Unstated, of course, is the best advice of all: join #Kidlitchat every Tuesday at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific. But if you're seeing this, you know that. Only a few weeks til we celebrate our 15th anniversary! More proof time flies among friends!
I think about the closing four lines of Douglas Florian's poem The Rules of Poetry in terms of advice: Find your keys. Lose your tools. By the way -- THERE ARE NO RULES! My takeaway is that it's important to find what works FOR YOU, not just what works for someone else. #Kidlitchat
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Just want to say I'm so proud of first-timers jumping in to the whole Bluesky/chat experience! Welcome! Be fearless! You are among friends! #kidlitchat
Sound advice times two! #Kidlitchat
I would go back and tell myself (maybe scream it at myself), "DON'T GO IT ALONE." Also, read widely of new titles. These are things I wish I had figured out much sooner.
TOPIC: What's the best career advice you ever got--and what do you wish you could go back and tell your starry-eyed starting-out self? #kidlitchat
Now with 5 minutes left before #Kidlitchat I am doing my regular hand stretches and eyeball oiling so I can keep up with the feed. Feel free to share your chat rituals anytime :-) And see you in a few!
Tuesday means #kidlitchat at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific right here on Bluesky! I hope that you'll join us. (It's fun. We chat. About children's lit things, as the name implies. Sometimes desserts (featuring pie) are discussed. And other stuff, too!) See you then!
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Excited to share the brand new MEGA KIDLIT FEED! Easily stay on top of #KidLit posts from all (well… many) folks in the community! Feed: For more info on the feed and HOW TO ADD/USE it, see comments 👇 #kidlitart
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Working on a mega-KidLit feed with & to help w/kidlit on-boarding at Bluesky. To prevent bad actors/spammers from posting to feed, we're using kidlit-moderated LISTS as input to the feed. e.g. You need to be on one of these LISTS to post. 🧵👇🏼
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#amquerying peeps: I'll be presenting a live event where I read the query on screen then critique/explain why I said no. The queries will be by those who queried me only, but others can attend the live event. Comment below if you queried me and want me to read/critique yours.
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Hey #kidlitchat: If any of you are actively maintaining a kidlit-focused list, pls reply to this thread: & I are looking for Lists to input into a mega KidLit feed to help new Bluesky kidlit people!
PLS SHARE: If anyone in #KidLit community is actively maintaining a Bluesky LIST of people (incl. specific or local-focused), pls post brief description & link to your LIST below? Could be a kidlit launch group, SCBWI or other regional group, etc Doesn't have to be Official but pls read 🧵👇🏼 cont'd
Thank you all for joining in this week's #kidlitchat. Be back next week - no breaks, I'm telling you (unless you need one, of course) - and bring your friends. And their friends!
I once again find myself turning to the Beatles for list help"Wake up." "get out of bed." "Drag a comb across my head." "Write a mystery book." "Get someone to take a look." #kidlitchat
"We're on a break" - me to that project I started 15 years ago in a notebook covered with dust :-) #kidlitchat
TOPIC: Life happens. Or sometimes you just get overwhelmed. How do you disengage when you need to--and how do you get yourself back on track after a break? #kidlitchat