Greg Pincus

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Greg Pincus

Writer. Likes to rhyme, though not when writing movies or novels. But you should see my shopping lists! Has never bought an orange. #kidlitchat cohost for 14+ years on ex-Twitter (and now here on Tuesday nights at 9 PM EST!). Still bats and throws righty.
Just a quick hi to #kidlitchat from a pit stop on the road. I will see y’all more consistently next week….
Under an hour til #kidlitchat. Join in, I say!
Thanks, all, for joining in another #kidlitchat, your trusted source for weekly chats about #kidlit and related thangs. See you here next week, I hope!
For year's I've followed for news and updates wherever I can find him. #kidlitchat
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TOPIC: The publishing industry changes daily, it seems. What are the most reliable sources for information on the currents and eddies that can affect how you navigate your creative career--publications? professional panels? best-seller lists? #kidlitchat
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#kidlitchat tonight! I made a starter pack to find and follow some of the regulars! Join the conversation
One hour until #kidlitchat, I tell ya! (9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific in case you don't see this at the exact moment I am thinking it). Let us gather. Let us invite our friends. Let us chat! See ya soooooon....
Tonight at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) it’s #kidlitchat right here on Bluesky! Join us for an hour of #kidlit community, conversation, virtual desserts, and much more. Hope to see you here then!
Reposted byAvatar Greg Pincus
Reminder: #KidLitChat tonight (every Tue night) 9p ET / 6p PT, co-hosted by & Follow for the topic. Banner art by I use to more easily monitor the chat but you can also just keep reloading search pg.
I gave up trying to block and police the tag a longggggg time ago. The tools to do that are insufficient over there. I don't think the tag is useful for promo or convo anymore....
Thanks for joining in on another #kidlitchat. We're a fine group, I must say. Glad to see Bluesky (and chat) community growing! And I look forward to seeing you next week right here.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Pincus
Speaking of workshops... Registration is open for the Preparing Your Perfect Presentation online workshop that I promised a couple of weeks ago. :) Just in case anyone missed the post I sent when I got it set up!
As usual, I needed a shave... hence growing a beard :-) #kidlitchat
Yes, that was our first face to face! #kidlitchat
Possibly? and I hadn't even met when we started #kidlitchat. We only knew each other online!
I don't think that's an apples to apples comparison, though. As communities grow, and this one will, there is drift. And as platforms die, there's decay! Certainly it's more fun here, but those percentages aren't likely to hold is all.... #kidlitchat
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Also grateful to & for #kidlitchat. Getting to know some of the kidlit community that way helped me feel less nervous when going to an SCBWI conference! Here's one of my ice-breaker comics I printed out for helping me meet people (I WAS SO NERVOUS!).
whew. time slipped away! But I'm here at #kidlitchat only a tad late
TOPIC: Becoming a part of a group: meet-ups, critique groups, professional organizations, paid communities, workshops, promotional partnerships--each plays a different role in your creative journey. Which affiliations have had the most impact for you? #kidlitchat
It’s gonna happen. I can feel it.
Early Tuesday reminder that #kidlitchat happens here at 9pm Eastern/6 PM Pacific. And, of course, you are invited to join us!
Also, I should note, historically editors, designers, librarians, agents and others join in, too!
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Yes, please join us! The best way to follow this or any chat is to install on your desktop. There you can create a column for the #kidlitchat hashtag. Then, just show up at 9pm Eastern every Tuesday and follow along. It's an after-hours get-together to talk shop...or whatever! Get the most out of Bluesky with a multi-column layout
Thanks to all for joining in and offering advice tonight. Unstated, of course, is the best advice of all: join #Kidlitchat every Tuesday at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific. But if you're seeing this, you know that. Only a few weeks til we celebrate our 15th anniversary! More proof time flies among friends!
A good reminder to follow fellow #kidlitchat folk as we all work to build the #Kidlit community here on Bluesky!
Late arrival makes me fix the attendance log THIS TIME. But don't think it wasn't noticed :-) #kidlitchat