
📢 App Version 1.60 is rolling out now (1/5) We have a new logo! 🦋  Bluesky is emerging from its cocoon of clouds to transform into a social butterfly. Read more about why we chose this logo here:
📢 1.60 is rolling out now (2/5) Posts, profiles, and user search are now available without login! You can finally share your quality posts with the group chat or in articles. If you don’t want the Bluesky app to show your posts to logged-out users, opt out in the Moderation tab.
📢 1.60 is rolling out now (3/5) RSS feeds for profiles! Access your posts via RSS by pasting your profile link into your RSS feed reader and it will automatically be discovered.
📢 1.60 is rolling out now (4/5) Bugfixes: • Reduced overall network traffic. • Fixed an issue that would cause your pinned tabs to fall out of sync with their content. • Fixed some issues with the "Appeal label" interface, which now appears in the dropdown menu of posts.
📢 1.60 is rolling out now (5/5) More bugfixes: • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause modals to float to the top of the screen. • Android post-composer should no longer get squished.
Can you please make it so that users you are blocking cannot add you to lists? This has been used to harass.
Wouldn't that break all block lists pretty much? Like, all the person has to do is block the list creator, and they're out.
Literally that's what twitter (I'm sorry, X) does & tbh I hate lists as a feature in general but being able to get off them by blocking the swines who add me to "sick degenerate who should unalive themselves" is two birds one stone.
That's how it always was on Twitter, block someone and it deletes you from their lists. It was good.
honestly i don’t see that as a bad thing. theres no way when something like a block list exists that every single one is perfect and has good intentions. i think the positives of being able to remove yourself from lists by blocking op far outweighs the negatives
that's fine, they then fulfill the purpose of the list: the creator no longer sees them at all. if it could be done in such a way that unblocking puts them back on the list it'd cut off a runaround. as is, the lists are harassment tools – there are already racist and transphobic ones floating around
This. I don't want this place to be a repeat of Twitter where the LGBTQ+ community are regularly put on lists of "peados and their defenders" etc. and nothing can be done about it.
It will be, because the people in charge not only believe that there's a way to court all sides in everything, they also think that there's a tech solution to a human problem.
this would in effect allow anyone to opt-out of moderation lists, breaking their entire purpose. in the future i imagine composable moderation would be able to label user lists and hide them if they're malicious, and until then you can report them to bluesky if they break the rules.
In any case you can't modify another user's list because you don't have write access to their account nor does Bluesky without having that other user to log in. That's why when you block someone that's following you, it doesn't cancel their follow.
I wonder if that's possible? I hear you though.
yep and we addressed it a while ago i wouldn't call it an exploit, it's just the way that rich text works on bluesky for example, you can add hyperlinks. but if the url doesn't match the text in the post, we show a warning with the url that you're trying to navigate to before we take you there
Are there any plans to add direct messages? If I want to give someone a way to contact me, I have to announce it to the whole world. It's very bad for privacy.
Pleeeeease let us block people directly from the offending post. Shouldn't have to visit their profile and possibly see even more bad stuff, thanks.
One thing I’d like to see fixed is for threads to present as threads, not nested replies, e.g. ⬇️
How should this be handled? Should it be that every successive post from the same author is a thread, but a post from anyone else counts as a reply?
That repo is a bad attention grab. All of this is possible on other platforms. Rich text is not an "exploit" let alone a vulnerability, its a UX problem if handled badly but its handled with the usual warning pop ups.
Attention grab? Oh you mean he's engaging in an attention grab. I was just bringing it to your attention because it seems dodgy. I'm not a security expert.
(completely unofficial) FAQ thread 🤔🧵 Q: DMs? 📨 A: This roadmap blog post says that encrypted DMs will be implemented after they have completed federation on the network. So hopefully DMs will arrive sometime in 2024 🤞
Q: GIFs? ✨ (2/2) A: GIFs are also available now in these third-party apps: 🔹 (iOS in beta) 🔹 (web app in pre-release) 🔹 (Android) A pretty good BlueSky app
Oh jay you're doing reposts. Wich is nice as we have a constitution study in dutch govt happening as we speak. Personal Data;MINE Freedom Of speech;MINE Medical Privacy: MINE TOO you blond retard shithead
Avatar you asked about this so I'm tagging you here
Bookmarks, pretty please!
If you’re on iOS / iPad OS and are willing to give a 3rd party app a go (us 🥹) - we have you covered on bookmarks, drafts, mute words and many more features. 🫶
Why new logo looks awfully similar to letter X?
Should we expect this?😜
Don't you dare ruin this!
Why BS didn't stay with clouds?😒
Warm. But not quite… Reverse the order of your graphics… and you’ve nailed the concept…! 👍😁😉