People’s Parity Project

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People’s Parity Project

Nationwide network of law students and attorneys organizing to unrig the law and build a legal system that works for people, not corporate profits.
Finally ordered’a book this afternoon along with Aziz Rana’s “The Constitutional Bind.” Cannot wait to dig into them. Huge thanks to convening for the inspiration from couple of weeks ago.
To folks interested in a future other than fascism: Please check out The Originalism Trap, which famed law professor Erwin Chemerinsky called “a magnificent book" that "provides a way forward to reclaim the Constitution and advance freedom and justice”
The Originalism Trap by Madiba K. Dennie: 9780593729250 | A rallying cry for a more just approach to the law that bolsters social justice movements by throwing out originalism—the theory that judges should interpret the Constitution exactly as...
A report I wrote for, “Protecting Workers’ Rights and Democracy from the Courts: A Practical Guide to Court Reform,” is out today! TL;DR: The federal courts are a threat to workers’ rights, economic justice, and democracy, and we need to reform them. 1/x
“Between the 1880s & 1935, courts issued more than 4,000 injunctions against strikes, picketing, & other collective action by workers; and struck down hundreds of worker-protective laws.” Courts’ hostility to workers isn’t new. It’s (long past) time to do something about it.
Our joint letter with,, and calls on the DOJ to nominate leaders dedicated to improving the department's dismal record on corporate criminal prosecutions.
With the exception of its Antitrust Division, the Department of Justice lags in corporate prosecutions. Advocacy groups believe this stems from its high level appointees, whose past careers involve stints representing corporate clients.
Reform Groups Home In on Lack of Corporate Prosecutions at In particular, the corporate defense record of the acting number three at Justice, Benjamin Mizer, is put under scrutiny.
Gabrielle Wolohojian: • Former romantic partner of Maura Healey. • Former BigLaw partner whose practice included defending corporations against consumer class action lawsuits. This is not a good pick for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.
Massachusetts governor Maura Healey nominates former romantic partner to state's highest Healey nominated Appeals Court Justice Gabrielle Wolohojian, her former partner, to the Supreme Judicial Court.
Today, we stump for a new open course - an x collab - by reminding you that Supreme Court is not expected to have a majority of Democratic-appointed justices until *2065.* What To Do About the Courts begins tomorrow. Sign up today!
No One Court Should Have All That Here's the terrifying reality: our power-hungry, ultra-conservative Supreme Court will stifle attempts by the government to address climate change, gun violence, racial inequality…
The courts have decided they’re the only policymakers that matter, and Congress has let them. But it isn’t natural or just—and it isn’t too late to do something about it. (Plug for the PPP/LPE reading group on this topic, starting tomorrow!)
also I suspect years-long stretches where the courts are de facto the only place governance happens has trained people to think it’s natural and just
Reading Group: What To Do About The Courts - People's Parity Every day the judiciary plays an increasingly dominant role in shaping our political lives–from recent elimination of reproductive rights and affirmative action, to the steady erosion of voting righ...
The LPE Project is delighted to announce that we are teaming up with to offer an open course/reading group (for EVERYONE not just law students/profs) on one of the most urgent political questions of our time: WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE COURTS?!
Open Course: What To Do About the The Law and Political Economy Project and the People's Parity Project are teaming up to offer an open course/reading group on the urgent question of what to do about the courts in our current…
I feel like the problem of the courts looms so large, threatening everything we care about from reproductive rights to democracy to debt forgiveness to climate change! So I really couldn't be more excited to be collaborating with on this open course/reading group!
The LPE Project is delighted to announce that we are teaming up with to offer an open course/reading group (for EVERYONE not just law students/profs) on one of the most urgent political questions of our time: WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE COURTS?!
Open Course: What To Do About the The Law and Political Economy Project and the People's Parity Project are teaming up to offer an open course/reading group on the urgent question of what to do about the courts in our current…
What the f*ck are we going to do about the federal courts? If you find yourself asking that on a daily...or hourly...basis, this is the reading group for you. We're stoked to be partnering with for an open course on the courts. Register:…
1️⃣ Judges who are eligible for senior status have to take it. 2️⃣ The President needs to quickly nominate pro-people attorneys to fill those newly created vacancies. 3️⃣ The Senate must act fast to confirm those pro-people nominees. 🔁🔁🔁 for the remainder of 2024.
Clinton, Obama Circuit Judges Shun Retirement as Election Most Democratic-appointed appellate judges eligible for a form of semi-retirement are hanging onto their seats as the election year tests President Joe Biden’s goal of reshaping the federal circuit ...
Jones Day is terrible. The Federalist Society is terrible. And having a legal profession full of people who are too afraid to do anything about it is absolutely fucking terrible. I wrote about it for Balls & Strikes.
The Legal Profession Still Won’t Hold Coup Sympathizers There is nothing lawyers won’t tolerate in the name of professional niceties—not even unapologetic attacks on democracy itself.
Juries “too sympathetic” to veterans poisoned by drinking water at Camp Lejeune? No worries: the government will just stop injured veterans from having their cases heard by juries! PPP’s Steve Kennedy on sovereign immunity and our (in)ability to access justice:
The Government Spent Decades Poisoning Marines at Camp Lejeune. Now It Wants Courts to Let It Off Courts have a long history of closing ranks when they think justice, at Camp Lejeune or elsewhere, would cost the government too much.
Judges Allison Rushing and Paul Niemeyer ruled against Earls. Rushing was appointed by Trump and formerly worked for Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTQ hate group. Read our statement
Workers in Arizona look to the courts for justice, only to find them controlled by people who used to represent the bosses. Our new report finds that 44% of judges in AZ are ex-prosecutors and more than one-third worked as corporate lawyers. Read more:
Friends of LPE & in DC! We are gathering for our Fall DC Happy Hour on Thursday, November 16th from 6:00-8:30pm at Franklin Hall (1348 Florida Ave NW)! Law students, professors, practitioners, and non-lawyers all welcome!!
THURSDAY: Join AFJ,, and Rising Organizers for a conversation on the power of today's courts to shape life for generations to come. Register:
The People's Parity Project issued this statement on Earls' First Amendment lawsuit. Judges have a responsibility to speak out about bias.
Justice Anita Earls could be ousted from her seat, which 1.8 million voters put her in, because she spoke out about bias in the justice system. She filed a federal lawsuit today to protect her First Amendment right to free speech. #ncpol
A Saturday in July and we had a standing-room-only crowd at the PPP conference today to talk about court reform, building state courts that work for working people, and how to make the legal profession suck less. Is this…..hope that I feel?
Who all do I get to see at the People's Parity Project Convening in DC this weekend? cc