
Yeah, this is exactly the kind of bad faith I meant.
The woman in my mentions arguing at length that voters will recognize whoever the DNC picks as legit has been posting non-stop for a week and a half about how Whitmer is head and shoulders above the rest and while I can't *quite* prove bad faith, it's a *convenient* analysis of voters at least
While this individual person may not be this way, Whitmer is to Harris what Warren was to Clinton in 2016. The “I’m not sexist, I’d vote for a woman, just not *that* woman” candidate and it’s gross. Whitmer, like Warren in 2020 would immediately become the “not that woman” the moment she seeks power
i also dont think whitmer has the name recognition warren had in 2016 tbh
that could be bias on my part but i think she got quite a bit both on her own and as a punching bag for the right over cfpb
Warren had been in the public eye for 7-8 years as first an outsider criticizing gov’t response to the Great Recession and then Senator making CEOs look stupid. I don’t think Whitmer had any national profile before COVID.
I haven't been able to find any polling on her national standing the last few days, but that could well reflect how much 2024 was a foregone conclusion a year ago (ahem!) or my lazy Googling