Canary in the Coal Mine

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Canary in the Coal Mine

Reply gal (mostly) who is still psyched to be here. Tom Cotton wanted to send troops into my neighborhood in 2020. After this +growing up rural, I have very strong feelings about our failed government, media, legal system, and rising fascism from the right
The last week felt much like the other two events that most advanced American fascism—that being the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Trump election. There's a pervasive and inescapable feeling of dread and despair around, because, as fascists see it, there is supposed to be.
Can we start treating this "You have less than six months" refrain from neo-Nazis and far-right extremists as anything other than open death threats? It's out of control
I guess the sad thing about all this is the realization that not only is the media not a defense against fascism but with its current incentive structures in 2024 is actively helping to usher it in
Journalism nowadays is like “sure he lied, but did he do it EFFECTIVELY”
I wrote about American Nazis and what they believe, and the white Christian movement that calls itself "conservative," and the differentiators between the two. Or perhaps I should say, the lack of them. The danger that's coming, and that which is here already.
Americans Who Want To Kill An essay about the present danger, and the danger coming after the present danger. Supremacists who kill with laws and those who kill without them. Differentiators, Part 4
End of feed.