Dijana (Didi)

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Dijana (Didi)


Loves walking in Grantchester Meadows, K-drama, reading, tea and oats. A slightly mad Croat. But can be nice too. Hates war- been there, got the T-shirt.
I found The Life of Sharks on here! Yay! 🙌
Sharks are older than trees.
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your identity in a capitalist society
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I don't know who made this but, YES!!
Home made pasta sauce with cherry tomatoes (with garlic and basil), roast peppers and courgette , with fresh pasta pappardelle ( and a touch of pecorino ). My absolute favourite!
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Reposted byAvatar Dijana (Didi)
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
I get people hate Frump, I’m not a fan either, but this is not the way. It’s only going to strengthen his cause. It’s terrible to hear people have died as a result. Thank goodness for our polite, British way of doing politics.
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I think I need to find a new job. I love the job, but there are things changing in the company and it won't suit me. Anyone need a system architect? ASP.Net, C#, SQL Server, Python, React, Svelte, Azure, are current but I've used just about everything going back to COBOL and I really know my shit.
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England are through to the final of Euro 2024. The Tories have been voted out. I’d just like to suggest to the person with the magic lamp that they use their last wish very wisely.
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Today is Srebrenica Memorial Day. 29 years since the genocidal massacre of over 8,000 Bosniak men and boys, in the worst war crime in Europe since Nazism. I'm always reluctant to give too many of my own comments on this day, but I do like to share this flower badge given to me by a survivor friend.
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Russia has just bombed Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital.
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Another Russian War Crime. Add it to the very long list.
Russia has just bombed Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital.
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🍿 time, peeps, this is very good 👌
Dear all, Some years ago, over on a site called Twitter, I shared a story about the odious Jacob Rees-Mogg. He used to be an MP. I am going to cut and paste the story into this thread for you to enjoy. The story is 19 tweets (what they used to be called) long. They're numbered. Let's go... 0/19
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It took 14 years to destroy Britain. It won’t be repaired in five minutes. It will take years of economic stability to afford the infrastructure repairs needed across a range of public services. While we’re waiting, we need to fight off the right wing. So roll your sleeves up.
And that is a worry
The Tories are out, deservedly so, but 14 years of Tory rule have caused incalculable harm. We can feel relief, but Labour won’t be able to fix all these problems & the Tory media will undermine them. It’s also clear that the far right is rising & will be dusting off their Bannon/Trump playbook.
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No more hiding it, I guess. Russia comes out for Le Pen.
Well done Georgia! Great game 👌
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We are now very almost at £9,000 (donations + gift aid!). £10,000 is within our reach! Let's keep it going, people! We can do this!! 💪
Hey chums! I want you to think about something overnight. When I started Rishi Sunak's Sky TV Fund, I thought it'd be a fun way to raise £100 for charity. Currently, it is at £8000 (gift aid included). Now, I can let it rest there or we, together, can push towards £10k. But I'll need your help. 1/2
Rishi Sunak's Sky TV Fundwww.justgiving.com Help James Barisic raise money to support The Trussell Trust
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Today in Ed Davey. Toasting marshmallows.
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Did you go @quilterdown.bsky.social ?
Today in Ed Davey. Serving ice cream from a VW camper van near Glastonbury Tor.
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🎶 He was Old Wyckham With a thirst for politics Did PPE at an Oxford College But I had Sky That caught his eye He told me that his wife was loaded I said "Well fill my Kia Rio with a tank of unleaded" He said "Fine" And then in 30 seconds time, he said "I wanna live like common people" 🎶
He's escaped again. His PR team REALLY need to get a lockable catflap for Larry.
Welp, guess I'm never going to North Carolina again
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So nice to see that Keir Starmer has given to Rishi's Sky TV fundraiser. He's a true gentleman! And I hear that his dad was a toolmaker. Dig deep, everyone! www.justgiving.com/page/rishi-s...
Following the heartbreaking news that Rishi Sunak didn't have Sky TV as a kid, I have set up a JustGiving page. Please give generously and also help spread the word. Thank you. X www.justgiving.com/page/rishi-s...
Rishi Sunak's Sky TV Fundwww.justgiving.com Help James Barisic raise money to support The Trussell Trust