
UK Muslim voters know ball, the level of discipline and coordination to switch en masse to specific independent candidates in a number of seats across the county is unreal and sadly MENA Americans don't seem capable of that, not least because independent bids here are much more difficult to raise.
Also less Muslims as a % here than there and not as concentrated regionally.
Also smaller constituency sizes means it's easier for particular communities to have an impact.
I think that's the most of the reasons, tbh. It's clear that MENA Americans can act in solidarity when there's an option available, a la Michigan this year.
They are not necessarily more politically astute, but they have learnt communal solidarity due to long painful experience with systemic oppression and media demonization. Again, some resonances with other former English ghetto denizens from a century ago.
I think its less on them and more on the system. Its absolutely impossible to run as an independent and win. Atleast on the state level. Certainly on the national one. Indies dont have money. No money, no reach.
Yeah I envy the level of strategic voting that UK voters can leverage
Id love to have that so my district could finally give hoyer the boot.
Tbf, I do think this also came together with a few other factors with Labour getting it from the left.
we are more audience rooters than team players and god knows we've proved the point🤦🏼‍♀️