
Echoing my friend Matthew, it's pretty funny to see people who are milquetoast liberals on American politics endorse “don’t vote, firebomb a Walmart” logic in Iran, and vice versa.
Americans use the Middle East to project their fantasies about their metropole to their extreme endpoints, in both left and right wing directions.
And in reverse a lot of Middle Eastern radicals want Americans to embrace a logic that only really works well when you're on the periphery and your country's system of government is incredibly weak under the surface.
lmao my only comment is how cute it was to see have sales on a his artwork of a british architecture icon and an iranian one this weekend bc of the elections
the british one was specifically a library in london built during New Labour lmao
What do the Middle Eastern radicals want Americans to fo?
Depends on which country they're from but usually they think students should like, pull a May 68 lol
Interesting. Wonder how the other stuff that happened in that year figures in (or if it does I guess)
Not that that only happened in France, but to take it as an archetypal example, in the long run those protestors just mellowed out / were bought off. France may have its 30 hr workweek or whatever but its govt is as technocratic as the US one and only slightly more merciful. Our military is its
That it has public healthcare doesn't make it special. The US is just special in that it doesn't