Diana Salmon

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Diana Salmon


Ex teacher, woke lefty Europhile, baker, gardener, grumpy old woman.
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Don’t be a Boris! Check what ID you need ⤵️ Please share 🙏 www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-e...
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R4 Today prog: ‘This is the time of year when EVERYONE falls in love with tennis’ Er, not everyone. Some of us happily avoid it, but if you’re into it may your favourite win & your strawberries be delicious.
Good morning, bore da. Behold the wisdom of Terry Pratchett.
Mushroom, spinach and tomato flan. Comfort food.
I’m biased, being related to the author, but I recommend this book. Available paperback or Kindle, give it a go. 👍
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Oh, well that’s some good news, never to darken our TV screens again, eh? 🥳
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Red flo wered broad beans, very pretty.
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With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
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FARAGE BEFORE BREXIT: We need to leave the EU to save the NHS! FARAGE AFTER BREXIT: We need to abolish the NHS and replace it with private health insurance!
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Reposted byAvatar Diana Salmon
"never mind a 2p tax cut, my nan's just spent 36 hours on a trolley, there's a pothole in my street you can see from space, and half the classrooms at my kid's school are out of use because of that dodgy concrete." We can't afford any more tax cuts, stuff needs to be paid for.
One of the side-effects of massive inflation has been that a '2p tax cut' isn't the zinger it once sounded like. But the Tories are just a Thatcher cargo cult these days, so the keep trotting it out and waiting for it to magically work.
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José Andrés: "The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon" www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/0...
Israeli strike kills 7 World Central Kitchen workers, group halts aidwww.washingtonpost.com The Israel Defense Forces said it was aware of reports of the incident and was conducting “a thorough review at the highest levels.”
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Oh FFS Britain.
"After more than a decade of austerity, British five-year-olds are a full centimeter shorter now than they were in 2010, and they are becoming significantly shorter than children in other countries." www.nybooks.com/articles/202...
Small Island | Gary Youngewww.nybooks.com What has happened to Britain?
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"In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People." - Eugene Debs
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Reposted byAvatar Diana Salmon
Israel occupation army arrests the entire Al Jazeera crew and destroys the broadcasting vehicles in the yard of the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City Silencing the press is a war crime Attacking hospitals is a war crime We need a permanent ceasefire now
Reposted byAvatar Diana Salmon
A brilliant image illustrating the concept of Greenwashing in a very vivid (or rather morbid) way.
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Jeez. The ceiling of an intensive care ward collapsed onto a patient on life support & hours later a falling lift broke a doctor's leg in a 24-hour snapshot of Britain's crumbling NHS hospitals last week What a shocking indictment of 14 years of Tory Govt www.thetimes.co.uk/article/6688...
Caving ceilings and plummeting lifts: inside our NHS hospitalswww.thetimes.co.uk ‘Years of underinvestment’ in the health service have left its ageing estate in a perilous condition
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Reposted byAvatar Diana Salmon
Tories lying and money laundering 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Puts it in perspective.
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Wages for Drs that save lives? No. Tax cuts for the wealthy? Yes. Remember that Drs will pay taxes on their pay, but the wealthy #TaxParasites will stash the money off-shore, leading to even more cuts. For Tories, even if it cost the lives of the poor, greed is everything. #NeverVoteConservative
A little bit of rain forest in Wales
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time for a GE
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‘Christ in the Rubble’, Kelly Latimore, 2023 An icon inspired by the current suffering in Gaza. Emmanuel, God with us... #Christmas2023
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As millions around the world celebrate Christmas, Israel is inflicting unconscionable suffering on Palestinians in #Gaza, where half the population is children This Christmas we at #Anonymous wish for one thing: an end to Israel's #genocide of Palestinians. I hope you’ll join us
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@BBCBreaking: Fury at COP28 climate summit after promise to "phase out" fossil fuels is removed from draft deal Follow live: https://t.co/7DHDFofpW3