
José Andrés: "The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon"
Israeli strike kills 7 World Central Kitchen workers, group halts The Israel Defense Forces said it was aware of reports of the incident and was conducting “a thorough review at the highest levels.”
Too bad it was targeted, not indiscriminate. Chosen. Decided. Acted on with full knowledge of what they were doing. Evidence of a desire to kill everyone in Gaza. They'd use a nuke if they thought they could get away with it.
How often is this or something similar happening? If World Central Kitchen did not have the renowned spokespeople it has and workers from countries around the world then this would not be receiving the attention it is receiving today.
Hamas is not the one killing and starving the Palestinians. They are not destroying aid trucks or massacring those waiting to get aid
This is disgusting. I feel like this incident will halt all humanitarian aid. 😢
Well that was the point.
That Israel wants: No eyewitness, no help
Why can't the Palestinians revolt against Hamas, release all Israeli hostages, and sign a ceasefire? This is the simplest and most effective way to stop the bloodshed. Without the release of the hostages, moaning in social networks about what misfortunes we have will not help, I’m sure
It seems that the flow of evil, brainless shit on this social network is connected with the cancellation of invites.
as people slightly tired of the heat and lack of vitamins write in the comments, “they cannot resist Hamas.” but (apparently) they want to. but for some reason not a single cretin in the well-fed West writes “free Palestine from Hamas, demilitarize palesine, release hostages, etc”.
Israel will not stop their genocide if the hostages are released and Hamas surrenders. they will simply say there are still secret Hamas and continue the genocide. a fascist ethnosupremacist state cannot be negotiated with. why are you supporting ethnosupremacy?
your assumptions are completely baseless
the IOF have literally, no exaggeration, shot more hostages to death than they have directly saved.
we will also likely never be sure exactly how many were killed in Israel's indiscriminate bombing of Gaza
it started decades before last years attack that captured the hostages so,
Next time police in your town shoot a minority why don't you and your unarmed friends storm the police station with their weapons and demand that minorities not be mistreated? Oh, you don't think that unarmed civilians would fare well against armed police? Odd that. Palestinians, likewise.
Hamas is too brutal, there's no opportunity to create a resistance.
2 possible explanations for why this simple thing hasn't happened: 1) they are the hateful monsters depicted in Western propaganda and only respond to force 2) they are normal people who have no reason to think giving in to Israel's demands would improve anything
I keep seeing the stupidest takes. This has to be in the top 3
You could end the war in Ukraine if you overthrew Zelensky and installed a government that negotiates with Putin. Why aren't you getting on that?
Well. At least you’re asking why they can’t instead of assuming that they could do that and just don’t for some reason. Maybe really consider why they are not using your One Neat Trick, and whether doing so would actually placate Israel and cause them to stop aiming to erradicate all of them anyway.
The simplest way is for Isreal to stop bombing them and stop starving them.
&, Isreal bombed Iranian embassy in Syria, he's bombing Hezbollah in Lebanon, attacking Jordan... WTF? POTUS must STOP TALKING NICELY TO ISREAL
Or you know Hamas stops this war they started...
HAMAS must stop terror!
War is messy. The culprits r Hamas w their neighbors and Iran. Nobody complained when America bombed Dresden, Hamburg, Nagasaki and Hiroshima off the map.
i'm pretty sure the entire world was (and remains) horrified by what the US did 😭 what planet are you living on
The world hates the USA for doing that kind of things.
Hate is not right. Walk a mile in another's shoes. War is ugly. The war in Ukraine is a Civil War. Russia is playing to this reality. The war in TME is long-standing. Arabs refuse their brothers. Non-Arab Iranians play the rift. I encourage you to study history before you erupt..
If you don't want to be hated stop doing the things we hate from the USA. It's not like anyone forced the usa to destabilize every country with oil or resources in general across the world. But I don't know what i'm doing arguing with a bot
There are so many things wrong with your statement that it would take multiple posts to correct every single one. Congrats, you're becoming a perfect Zionist propaganda agent.
Whoops, you're dumb as rocks
Hi, the U.S. actively participated the Salvadoran Civil War & helped cover up war crimes. My parents are survivors from said Civil War. I work in nuclear disarmament advocacy as well, so u can kindly fuck off w/ your rhetoric. If it also helps drive the point home, I'm an American citizen u dolt.
I'd love to hear how you escaped the compound you grew up in that left you thinking "nobody" complained about some of the most talked-about incidents in modern history. FFS, does Slaughterhouse Five hold any meaning to you?
Holy fuck you're stupid. Learn to read then go find a history book.
Ur language becomes ur ignorance. Now children, sticks and stones r like lies. They hurt. But name calling offends only the caller.😊
Being called ignorant by someone who said "nobody had a problem with fire bombing of Dresden" would be amusing if it weren't in the context of said person actively defending a brazen act of state terrorism by a genocidal army.
"Ur language becomes ur ignorance." And there it is, thank you.
What BS. Justifying atrocities because you support one side is still immoral.
Damn that’s just an ignorant statement. Of course people were disgusted by these actions 70+ yrs ago. Just as most of the world is disgusted with Zionists slaughtering …hunting anyone that moves in Gaza
One wrong doing does not rights another wrong doing.