Jay Besemer

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Jay Besemer


poet-artist-fool. aging, trans, queer, sick/disabled, autistic. he/they. jet is the cat in this movie. i knew it was a trap as soon as i walked into it.
the gag economy: making a joke at someone else’s expense
i have just been noticing myself annoyed by weensy fonts in the last 2 years, when i have started to need to do the “put glasses on forehead & bring book close to face” move to read text. this is really cramping my love of footnotes & endnotes, man.
also—you are your own discourse😆
in certain light situations, bumbles look like they have purple wings. i love that. it’s happening here!
oh dear. the dmv is far too hot & bright a world for most things to compete with. maybe an imax theater… wishing you speedy & low-stress bureaucratic resolution!
it can feel impossible or confusing—& vulnerable & scary!—to cherish one another. but it isn’t abstract or idealistic. it’s just a practice, like making toast.
maybe sometimes you accidently get burnt toast. but that doesn’t mean you stop practicing making toast!
eeeaaarrrss! also check out that lo-five she's giving with her right rear foot! 😆
i once hurt my back while abruptly shifting position in enthusiasm over some exciting news while scrolling. “overgeeking,” the friend whose news it was called it! 😆 yes, the danger is real!
i may occasionally put out there an alternative practice or different grounding, but my intention is never to imply that anyone who does not also practice or base their actions that way is wrong etc. so i want to know if i accidentally do so! deal?🤝
when others act with speech jamming commentary over commentary & reaction over reaction in baffling, overwhelming, panic-inducing layers— i go alongside in silence because no room exists for silence there, in the place that pattern creates & defines. i can not/do not attempt to join that pattern.
i also ask myself what that pattern serves because the desperation seems not to be reduced in the motion of the pattern. so something else must be happening inside it. so—what does happen & why & for/to whom?
Jess Whatcott's "Menace to the Future" traces the link between US disability institutions and early twentieth-century eugenicist ideology. Read the intro for free now! www.dukeupress.edu/Assets/PubMa...
i know you’re taking care but i have been holding you & your eldest in my heart this week.
nico, please eat. you cannot ensure you meeting future needs by refusing to meet the needs you have now. that’s a trap i know well. i trust that you will have a way to meet your needs today & tomorrow.✊💚
yes we’re good—thanks so much for checking up tho! one of the tornadoes ended in the park where there’s a famous & historic drum circle that r. participates in sometimes, & i don’t know if the damage affected that location or not. but there don’t seem to have been any injuries or fatalities. whew!
i hope it happens soon no matter what you write!
r. & i went for a morning ramble in our busy neighborhood park. lots of storm damage:
& also some slightly hopeful signs of human action in other directions
sleepy face! “it’s not time to get up! what are you doing? goway!!!”
warning almost over. i just hope we don’t get new ones all night!
i hope you can take time & space to catch your breath & get your center again. especially in your own home!
Reposted byAvatar Jay Besemer
No mask bans in NY or anywhere. Here are some things to do--you could do one a day throughout the coming week (there's options for residents of other places!) & invite a friend to do it with you! Make them stop wasting our time with this shit! covidadvocacyny.org/stopmaskbanny
COVID Advocacy NY - Stop Mask Ban NY Action Toolkitcovidadvocacyny.org
ooh i’ve been dürer-burned!🤣
that’s interesting—i did that a year or so ago & noticed better sleep immediately, but i didn’t make the connection.