
Honestly, if I could make a full-time living designing worlds for authors, I would. I would *love* to help you design your world, especially for the good of democracy. (And yes, I have a WIP with an...interesting world, maybe sometime my AuDHD brain will focus enough to finish it.)
Bree is pulling this one out for a moment: Dr. Robin Bond literally *built* the world for our new fantasy for us. And I mean I said, "I want two moons, one with a 50 day cycle and one with a 10 day cycle" and she went away & came back with a formula to generate a celestial calendar & images & OMG
Oh, this is really cool! Is this a service you offer on an ongoing basis, or is this auction a one and done kind of deal?
In the past, I've advertised during summers, when I need a little extra cash. I'm often quite busy during the school year. But I have been known to make time during the school year if someone really needs help.
Also, I am doing a "second chance" on the auction, i.e. second-place bidder gets the option to get the service as well.
Thank you! I think I will place a bid myself