Dr. Robin Bond: academic working for nothing this summer 🧪

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Dr. Robin Bond: academic working for nothing this summer 🧪


Ace/autistic biracial biogeochemist. I study life + trace metal cycling + reactive oxygen species, and teach analytical chem. Also bookworm, Youtuber, DV survivor w/ PTSD. She/they.
Alright, crafters of #RomancingTheVote, drop links to your shops in the replies! Let’s support our amazing donors & keep that auction joy alive (especially if we missed items *shakes hand at sky*) @romancingthevote.bsky.social
Bree says: we also have some very high value items where another will be offered to the runner-ups if they match the highest bid. Last year we pulled in $20k on that alone. This year we're MUCH more organized about it. 💗
All I know as Official Keeper of the Act Blue page is that I’m not exactly sure how close I will come to the seven figure mark.
I overshot my budget by $5, but it's all for a good cause Thanks to all of the @romancingthevote.bsky.social volunteers for raising so much money that we (once again) broke the 32auctions site (Total: almost $188k last I looked)
Quick note: I do geochemistry/astrobiology as research, but another part of my job is teaching analytical chemistry. So I'm here for all of your chemistry consultation needs.
Just a reminder that my worldbuilding consultation on RtV is still at $190, which is under what you'd pay for a regular consult with me. If your bid goes over the normal consult fee, I'll scale what I'm willing to do accordingly. www.32auctions.com/organization...
Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologistwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologist' hosted online at 32auctions.
💗 money for voting is the endgame, but keeping people feeling encouraged & hopeful enough to fight is the victory.
In some alternate reality, I didn't have the chaotic fun giddiness of this to cheer me up this week, and that leads me to think that maybe we're not on the absolute worst timeline.
buy a sticker just to give everyone in the chat (over 100 now) a thrill! $10 to spam the livestream! www.32auctions.com/organization...
OMG, it's so validating to see F U C K SCOTUS come across the bidfeed, @romancingthevote.bsky.social.
F U C K SCOTUSwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'F U C K SCOTUS' hosted online at 32auctions.
Wheee, we broke $170,000! That next Very Specific Milestone is so close now! Keep bidding at http://auction.roman... Or join us over on the bidfeed livestream: www.youtube.com/watc...
Now the real question: can I make dinner and also maintain my lead on the item I really want? (There is another auction I'm watching as a backup. I will bid on that one if I get horrendously outbid on the first.)
Just a reminder that my worldbuilding consultation on RtV is still at $190, which is under what you'd pay for a regular consult with me. If your bid goes over the normal consult fee, I'll scale what I'm willing to do accordingly. www.32auctions.com/organization...
Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologistwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologist' hosted online at 32auctions.
There’s just a few more hours That’s all the time you’ve got A few more hours Until this shit gets bought If you are worried for elections Here’s one good use of funds and time Come on, you doxies, Update those proxies And get us to the finish line!
Welcome to the last day of Romancing the Runoff. The fight to the bitter end is not starting today; we have fought the entire week. But it IS finishing. Update your proxies! Shank your enemies! Betray your friends! THE END IS NIGH! www.32auctions.com/R...
Romancing the Vote 2024www.32auctions.com Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
The thing about being an AuDHD academic is that summers really suck. You are expected to get a lot done that wouldn't get done during the school year, but you don't have the external structure that allows you to do that. (Or maybe that's just me.)
It's fairly insane that MOST political journalists exhibit no understanding that being President and running for President are not the same thing, and often a President who is effective at making policy may not titillate their beltway gossip machine, which reflects on THEIR competence, not his.
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
It’s not weird that an old guy is sleepy it’s weird that we are letting people whose world view was formed when Salisbury steak was considered fine dining are allowed to make decisions for a future that they won’t be around for the consequences of.
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
In honor of all of the great ER docs who work on Independence Day (lookin' at you, @careycuprisin.bsky.social), a meme...
"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
How about a quick thread of BINs under $15 for those looking for something small and quick that they can claim as their own! First, the auction's original motto as a sticker is only $10! www.32auctions.com/o...
Be Gay, Do Non-Election Crimeswww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Be Gay, Do Non-Election Crimes' hosted online at 32auctions.
In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
Did you miss out on the grantwriting class with Claire Willett? Now's your chance. She's generously offered to add 20 more slots--and one additional class--for all our participants. www.32auctions.com/o...
Grantwriting Master Classwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Grantwriting Master Class' hosted online at 32auctions.
If you have read Consort of Fire, you have read some of the outcome of Robin’s world building consult and it is EXCELLENT. I suspect this will creep up tomorrow but right now you should go fight the person who thinks they’re gonna run away with it 😂
Good morning Bluesky. My worldbuilding consult is currently priced at $187.50. That's a bargain, considering that it's well under what you'd pay for a consult if you contacted me directly. Plenty of room for bidding! www.32auctions.com/organization...
Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologistwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologist' hosted online at 32auctions.
Just an idea. How about a goal of $227,883, so we can actually hit a million dollars?
WE DID IT!! On day *three* of this auction! Romancing the Vote has now raised $900,000 across all three auctions... and I think we can officially say that's almost a million dollars. Y'all are the BEST. http://auction.roman...
I also want to take this moment to thank every single author, editor, scientist, crafter, blogger, podcaster, showrunner, comic book writer, expert and EVERYONE. Even with the most powerful spreadsheet in the world, we'd have nothing to fill it with without all of you donating your time & skills.
Good morning Bluesky. My worldbuilding consult is currently priced at $187.50. That's a bargain, considering that it's well under what you'd pay for a consult if you contacted me directly. Plenty of room for bidding! www.32auctions.com/organization...
Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologistwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologist' hosted online at 32auctions.
the world in which the president is throwing his opponents in jail is not a world where you can just ask a judge to let you out