
Look, just because you're doing it to white people doesn't mean making up freak-ass stereotypes is suddenly cool. "White people have bowls they puke into and wash really shittily, you know, 'white people washing'."
That one's especially bad because, if you actually hang out with PoC, you'd know the *actual* stereotype about white people is that they're hypochondriacs. Real ones know.
You just need to look at some of the racism variants, like that lady who started a restaurant making “clean” “healthy” Chinese food
...Do I even wanna know what the fuck that's supposed to mean? Harder to find healthier street food than Cantonese street food- except maybe Bengali street food.
Let me see if I can dig it up…
Ah, yes, more of the "MSG is actually a lethal poison" shit. I really like whipping hippy ass over that topic. I'm not fat because I eat a lot of Asian food, I'm fat because I'm an endomorph and also a fatass.