
As with crypto, when you see the scam beginning to move into "advertised in sports media" territory it's a sign it's moving down market in search for more unsophisticated customers because they're already running out of wealthy rubes.
Meanwhile I saw an ad on ESPN for an ai service that basically said you can use it to zone out in meetings and eat lunch. The masses are being sold a con while we're seeing weekly evidence of the crimes behind it.
related corrollary: never do business with a financial services firm that advertises with your local baseball team. any firm that thinks an ideal customer is "someone who will sign up with us based on seeing an ad during a cincinnati reds game" is going to do bad things to you.
Yup, "I heard an ad for it on sports talk radio" is just the modern version of this classic aphorism:
When the Shoeshine boy starts giving you stock tips its time to sell
I can trust that one defensive skills video with Fred McGriff in it that would always advertise on 90s Sports center though, right?
back to back to back aau champions can't be wrong