
If Biden loses in Nov, well, that’s a disaster for everybody, but not especially for Joe Biden, he’ll be okay (unless revenge indictments start flying) but if Trump loses, that’s 100% absolutely a massive catastrophic personal tragedy for him, and I really hope you all join me in making that happen
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
Note: That particular plan, a public admission of what the Christian Nationalists who authored #Project2025 and #Agenda47 have publicly stated they want to do, actually aired *a full decade before Trump became POTUS*, and was just one of the first PUBLIC incidents of the mask coming off 2/x
I grew up in what is (effectively) Patient Zero of the New Apostolic Reformation, or damned close to it, and part of a large NAR upline that also includes C. Peter Wagner's network and includes multiple parties in its network that were involved in #J6, including said church sending buses to #J6 3/x
And unfortunately NAR Christian Nationalists have had genocidal ideation regarding non-Christian Nationalists since at least Carter (and quite arguably since *Kennedy*), and actually (almost uniquely of political movement AND coercive groups) have a documented history of genocide proper 4/x
Specifically: NAR Christian Nationalists are known to have assisted in the "disappearances" in Pinochet's regime (in Colonia Dignidad) which was a commune set up by a NAR pastor who'd gotten involved in a child sex scandal and was avoiding prosecution in Germany 5/x
Colonia Dignidad -
Efrain Rios Montt was actually a NAR pastor for Verbo Ministries who entered the country after an earthquake in the 70s, managed to work his way into junta leadership, and for a year brought a bloody reign in which over 400,000 died (bodies are still being found to this day) 7/x
During Montt's genocide, he actively promoted his genocide to televangelists and to the NAR "alt-media" networks as a form of "spiritual warfare" made flesh against "Satanists" (indigenous Guatemalans following First Nations religion) and "Communists" (Jesuit nuns and priests". 8/x