
If Biden loses in Nov, well, that’s a disaster for everybody, but not especially for Joe Biden, he’ll be okay (unless revenge indictments start flying) but if Trump loses, that’s 100% absolutely a massive catastrophic personal tragedy for him, and I really hope you all join me in making that happen
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
This is the absolute best way to get people voting for Biden
I think so... all else aside, don't we all really want to see Donald Trump spending the rest of his life sitting in court and/or in prison?
I feel like the Democrats won't do anything unless he breaks the law again, but the idea that the people he owes money to, might stop being patient when he has no power - I think that is more likely and painful.
There are already 3 indictments against him outstanding. If he becomes President he can get them dismissed, if he loses the election then he spends the next however many years fighting them in court and/or imprisoned.
my tired depressed feeling is democrats will be like "well we can't be seen punishing him" while the republican administration is like "can't wait to bounce these fuckers into our kangaroo courts"
Replace "bounce fuckers into kangaroo courts" to "Line these up without trial and shoot them in the head and dump them in a ditch" and that is, unfortunately, FAR more accurate for a fair portion of Christian Nationalists And no, we can't fuck it up like we fucked it up with Nixon (or Jeff Davis)
I can’t see any situation where there’s enough will to pursue them before the election (as tepidly as they have been), but somehow not enough after the election, after any threat of retribution from an elected Trump is gone.
I don’t think that’s how Biden operates. There are going to be very annoying pundits and worriers telling him not to further pursue charges if Trump loses. But he personally loathes Trump, holds grudges, and recognizes the threat, and I think he’ll ignore the naysayers and keep at the prosecution.
What even makes you feel that way given the *several* court cases against him
It's been a long eight years. We deserve this.
Looking at the state of Trump, "the rest of his life" may not be a tremendously long duration in the grand scheme of things. (I'm just *observing* that is not a threat, for the record.)
Yeah, we all said that in 2015 too.
I'm not even kidding when I say every vote shamer should shut up with the vote shaming and switch completely to 'do you want to watch as Trump is destroyed in mind, body and spirit as his empire is torn down and apart before him? Then vote for Joe Biden'
Honestly might low key attract some vengeful Trump voters because it’ll allow an eternity of wallowing victimhood that could never be quashed by upcoming events.
There’s a lot of bad things happening, I’d like to at least enjoy seeing the World’s Worst Person get some long overdue comeuppance
Note: That particular plan, a public admission of what the Christian Nationalists who authored #Project2025 and #Agenda47 have publicly stated they want to do, actually aired *a full decade before Trump became POTUS*, and was just one of the first PUBLIC incidents of the mask coming off 2/x
I grew up in what is (effectively) Patient Zero of the New Apostolic Reformation, or damned close to it, and part of a large NAR upline that also includes C. Peter Wagner's network and includes multiple parties in its network that were involved in #J6, including said church sending buses to #J6 3/x
And unfortunately NAR Christian Nationalists have had genocidal ideation regarding non-Christian Nationalists since at least Carter (and quite arguably since *Kennedy*), and actually (almost uniquely of political movement AND coercive groups) have a documented history of genocide proper 4/x
Specifically: NAR Christian Nationalists are known to have assisted in the "disappearances" in Pinochet's regime (in Colonia Dignidad) which was a commune set up by a NAR pastor who'd gotten involved in a child sex scandal and was avoiding prosecution in Germany 5/x
Colonia Dignidad -
Now that I've literally given everyone just a bit of the Fear (and in this case, may it motivate you to make sure #Project2025 and #Agenda47 *DOES NOT HAPPEN EVER*) Let's work for the Hilarity of seeing the cheeto-wearing shitgibbon in cuffs and a new orange suit of FAFO, if that's motivation :D
It is the most likely outcome. The unfortunate thing is that First Felon is already so old, demented, and unhealthy that he probably won't live long enough to be held accountable for all his crimes.
🎶I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony I'd like to hold Trump in my arms And throw him in the clink. 🎶
Biden is a rich white guy. No matter what, he'll be fine. He'll probably be happier if he loses, if only because being president is a miserable job if you take it seriously.
It seems pretty obvious Biden loves the job. It’s what he’s wanted to be for more than 50 years or so.
The man is interacting with Netanyahu and Doocy on a regular basis. Nobody enjoys that.
I think he enjoys calling Doocy a dumb fuck honestly.
god this is so much more effective messaging than the usual screeching about how we'll end up in camps if we don't appreciate the breath of fresh air
I predict that after the election is called for Biden, Trump will flee to Russia
and be a miserable nobody there!
I am considering myself a juror, and I plan on voting guilty.
I plan to work my hardest to get out the vote. When voter turnout is high, good people are elected. Please consider joining me. No one can do everything. Everyone can do something.
Thank you very much for doing your part.
It really helps me to not worry about election outcomes when I work hard to get out the vote.
not to imagine can you mention the absolute salt from his brain dead supporters Counting on you to make this happen from the UK. Most of the world has skin in your election.
That would just be *fantastic* to see. SUFFER, you bloated-ego little brain-donor shithead grifter.
In any way he will be on a revengeful mission. Let's hope not as president.
It's not not a disaster if Biden wins
yes, but mainly for foreign brown children /sad sarcasm
To have a hand in making this guy’s life a living nightmare I will definitely and happily do my part.
finally the only convincing reason to vote blue
I'd say that prospect should motivate at least as many people to vote as Biden losing.