
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
I don’t care, this is what I’m manifesting. Let’s make it happen
I’m manifesting that he trips on the carpet at the moment that he’s accepting the GOP nomination, falls, catches his chin on the lip of the lectern, and snaps his neck live on TV.
Can he just be paralyzed? Because I also want him to die in prison after most of his followers have moved on to pretending they never liked him.
From your lips to the lathe’s ears.
Last year, I said about the same as a prediction, but with Trump dying within a year following the election and denying us any sort of real justice.
gonna be great in 20 years' time when the Dems are eulogizing Trump as "a great man, a worthy President, an intelligent man of culture and generosity"
In twenty years time, I expect them to be the the right-wing corpo-establishment replacement for the GOP they've always wanted to be.
At this point I feel like "Republicans collapse for a while, centrist Dems become the new major right-wing party, the more left side eventually splits off" is about the ideal outcome
I'd modify it to, "Republicans collapse, hard right republicans flee to fringe parties and even domestic terror elements, moderate repubs join Dems, progressive Dems break away to form new left" is how it'll play out. That realignment period could be a time of strength for the secular right.
Dems are collapsing faster. Don't know how that could be more evident
IMO, it all depends on how things shake out after Trump's gone/dies. Maybe it'll stay strong, but I think his cult will collapse some with him. Dems, for all their many flaws and bad polling (I'm a bit skeptic), aren't as subject to that dynamic and might even do better with Biden gone.
I wouldn’t be surprised since that’s exactly what the Dems have done with Reagan.
I was going to say his brain won't last that long, but Reagan persisted for sixteen after leaving office, so who knows.
Trump is doing harder drugs though
Him losing the election, going to prison, and then dying there a year later would be the absolute optimal outcome in my opinion. All the catharsis of the judgment and we get to cut short the endless ploys from Republicans to get him free or have him run for something from behind bars.
While I agree, I'm anticipating an absurd amount of appeals that will go beyond his remaining years.
Any of the criminal cases just kinda automatically stop, which isn't great cuz if they're in appeal they're likely just dismissed, which gives the dipshits a window to pretend he was "exonerated" But anything against his estate or the Trump Org will haunt Melania and the kids f o r e v e r
True, but in the instance of his death I would be willing to foegive the circumstances that kept him out of actual jail until then 😊
one would hope. it would also be interesting to see what his pate looks like when he can't get a hair dresser in prison.
I strive for this kind of optimism. Keep it up.
oh he will definitely go into exile
There are many opulent Russian dachas available whose previous owners have mysteriously died
i really always imagined he'd build a mar-a-lago replica in the UAE
That’s assuming the Russians want him Either way I could enjoy the thought of him ending his days as an increasingly impoverished and irrelevant expat where he’s dependent on people who don’t speak English and don’t like him
I imagine he will immediately declare he is running for president in 2028 so he can continue to claim all prosecution is political. I'd really like to know at what point the true believers decide to abandon ship, and how quickly after that point they pretend they were never his acolytes.
Like how after Bush left office only 30% of Americans would admit having voted for him.
I mean he has zero reasons not to just run again in 2028 even from jail. He’ll always have a sizable enough portion of GOP dead enders and the credible threat of burning down the party/running 3rd party.
I think if he loses again in 2024 any 2028 candidacy would be extra doomed, which would also be a delight to watch.
I gather from the actuarial charts that we would have about a 19% chance of something getting in the way of that run, and that might be higher if he's humiliated and - worse - not on television.
I hope he does. It might finally split the GOP into GOP and MAGA Party, giving Dems the chance to win enough seats to pass constitutional amendments and fix the courts.
I think more likely just the former - ie, he never actually goes to jail but spends the rest of his life being massively inconvenienced by legal battles. Which I suppose could be thought of as a kind of de facto sentence.
And his passport is taken and he wears an ankle bracelet for, like, ever.
I think you might be running a life threatening-ly high fever
Your post aged exceptionally well wouldn’t you say?
Sorry but I worry that he will lose, rinse repeat…announce 2028 candidacy…
Really hope he’s in prison, in the nursing home section for the mentally disturbed where he can visit his new imaginary friend, Hannibal Lecter, who he seems to keep talking to as of late?!?🤪🤪🤪
This is the more likely scenario.
He may announce, but that is it.
No- the news will eat it up and we won’t be rid of him unless someone finally jails him or he strokes out