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USAF Veteran 🇺🇸; Amateur Photographer; Democrat; Louisville, Kentucky USA ☕️
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Trump and the RNC marked the first day of their convention by suing to stop Michigan from providing veterans the opportunity to register to vote at the VA.
Read more Stay informed with breaking news updates about voting rights, democracy reform, litigation and legislation.
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BREAKING 🚨 🚨 🚨 Elon Musk Donating $45 Million A Month To Pro-Trump Super PAC: WSJ
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I take a sleep aid (Benadryl) to make myself sleepy at night. Then I fight it to stay awake. 😵‍💫🥱😴
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This is not the time to question Biden's issues. There have been other Presidents that have had health issues and their spouse and cabinet have been strong and supported them and got through things. Please stand behind Biden. He and his cabinet have our best interest in mind. Do the right thing!
5 Presidents Who Hid Their Health Issues | These Presidents didn't want the state of their health to affect the state of the nation.
Nasty storms in Illinois. Multiple tornado warnings in Chicago area, including observed tornados.
And videos. Cat and kitten videos.
Bluesky needs more cat pics.
I will never “unite” with Nazis and Fascists. I will never “unite” with people who don’t care if women die. I will never “unite” with those who want to exterminate trans people.
"Unity." Where was the unity June 24th when the Supreme Court, fronted by Trump appointees, stripped bodily autonomy rights and made reproductive health more difficult for half the country. Unity is often code for talk less, and I've never been good at that.
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And there you have it. Not even trying to hide it. Cannon ignored the law, acted as though she was on Trump’s defence team, deliberately obstructed a legal proceeding, for a quid pro quo? Pack courts with partisan hacks to subvert rule of law in a fascist assault on 🇺🇸democracy. #Project2025
Trump is a monster…and he will continue to be a monster. Do not be fooled.
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BREAKING: Judge Cannon's decision today is a lawless, outlier decision with no basis in statute or case law. It is deeply dangerous for accountability and checks and balances going forward. This decision should and surely will be appealed immediately.
Judge Cannon has decided that Trump is above the law, and dismisses the classified documents case against Trump. 😡
Trump has been fueling the fire of hatred in this country for years. And his lies about the 2020 election have done incredible damage to this country. If ANYONE is responsible for the anger and hatred in this country reaching a boiling point, it is Trump. No question.
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What happened yesterday does not change the fact that trump is a danger to democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. Stay on message bc this is the message.
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So, shades of Uvalde. A police officer climbed the ladder to the roof but when Thomas Matthew Crooks pointed his rifle at him, the cop shat his pants and backed back down the ladder If you are a fucking coward, don't take a job that requires a tiny bit of bravery
Local cop 'retreated' from confrontation with gunman before Trump was shot: A law enforcement officer reportedly "retreated" from a chance to stop a gunman before former President Donald Trump was shot in the ear over the weekend.In a report on Sunday, The Associated Press pr...
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Trump is fundraising off his assassination attempt (h/t S.V. Dáte)
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I think I spotted JFK jr. in the crowd behind Trump yesterday. The plot thickens. 😳
I wonder if he sh*t his pants??
Welp…I knew it was going to take a big story to change the news cycle away from “Biden should step down”.
The RC club had a fly and a cookout today. I was out there for 8 hours. Here’s a photo of the planes I took, earlier in the afternoon before most people arrived. I left after dark…some people were still flying (with lights on their planes).
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October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
“When at first you don’t succeed…”
Gonna have Manwiches for dinner.