
From the NY Times editorial board: the reason why campus protest is out of control now is that university leaders did not listen to all of our op-eds about how right-wing speech was being threatened by wokeness. Opposite is true - they very much did. The cynicism results from the double-standards.
The whole piece is about the need for accountability. Zero accountability from the NY Times editorial board about their role. They beat the campus speech drum for a decade when it was about right wing visitors to campus, but called for law and order when it was student/faculty protests.
As I've noted before, if you are a right wing professor saying your speech is violated the Times will make you a celebrity. A right wing student can get an op-ed. No equivalent support for violations of leftist speech from the editors
This is an incomplete list of the number of NYT articles that discussed Dorian Abbot being disinvited from giving a talk at MIT. He was subsequently re-invited. It is safe to say that no professor that is punished or fired for participating in a protest will receive a fraction of the attention.
Since I am being critical of the NY Times, let me also praise this terrific piece by Zeynep Tufekci. Gift link, and she is responding to comments on the Times website, worth checking out.
Opinion | I Was Once a Student Protester. The Old Hyperbole Is Now Is this what a police state looks like?
also the right wingers’ stories are “i was disinvited from giving a speech” or “a professor disagreed with me an now i’m convinced his grading will be unfair” the left wingers’ story is now “the university instructed the cops to beat and arrest me, then expelled me”
right wingers also have "i have 17 plausible sexual harassment charges pending"
right, if this was just “censorious leftists primed universities to censor everything” we’d see equal - or any - action against counterprotests!
also, "someone protested my speech on the inferiority of Certain Races and was disgracefully not beaten and arrested by police."
I keep trying to point out to putative "small government" types the difference between *private* action (students expressing their displeasure/book deals cancelled/etc) and *government* action (jailing teachers, banning books, calling cops), and they just go all "Norman, coordinate!" and collapse.
also the difference between students (and sometimes faculty) having a viewpoint and administration having a viewpoint
The failing New York Times.
💯 Came here to say the failing editorial board.
…fire editors and reporters… nyt could compound profits printing random words under the headlines that only about 10% of their circulation reads past… and the news elsewhere would be all about the nyt being the forefront of new journalism…
That might just work. Of course, the owners are investigating AI potential for reporting.
Pretty damned rich to hear about “accountability” from a paper that got rid of its public editor and clamps down on staff criticism.
Protesting Biden’s current policies is an attack on conservatives, apparently. It’s utterly fascinating.
The opinion section of the NYT is just cancer. I hate it.
Stephens and McWhorter tag-teaming it.
The Overton Window has framed the Academy as a Left-wing space and hence Right-wing voices and discourses are unproblematically assumed by certain corners of the MSN to be marginalized - the RWNM wins again Plus controversy and rage-bait drive clicks
Also, the accountability problem is a massive display of incompetence from administrators being unable to do what every college has always done — send some free pizzas, negotiate to minimize property damage and maximize safety for everyone, and wait for the end of the school year.
From the 27th floor of the New York Times building, editors and members of the editorial board look down at 42nd Street through the thick idea-proof windows as Pamela Paul explains her insights into the dangerous overlap between 'Woke' and 'Trans'. "They *do* look like tiny ants," muses Joe Kahn.
editorial boards of the like seem to be past the historic vindication and pathos of self-accountability. With the day an individual of our days discovers the problem it also starts to not care at all as well. It's a fun game out a safe space.
They're obviously not concerned with accountability
Free speech for me. Truncheons for you.