
The really bitter irony here is that SCOTUS is making the president a king while a Democrat is president. They aren't worried about it because they know Democrats won't accept Biden actually acting the way they are saying he can.
If we ever get control of the courts back we need some kind of doctrinal way to tell lower courts that SCOTUS rulings after 2016 don't have precedential value.
What even is precedent now?
Isn't appointing SCOTUS justices an official act? Do we need Senate confirmation anymore? Theoretically, couldn't the president simply pack the court any time s/he sees fit? No, I don't think Biden will do this, but it seems like he theoretically could.
He won't do anything. He doesn't know what day it is.
I suspect "advice and consent" would be declared to still apply, there.
What does that mean when they accept bribes, Don?
Also they'd probably come up with some tortured explanation that Biden had done something in an "unofficial" capacity and therefore conveniently didn't get immunity
Sure, because it's "too close to the election!"
Yeah, it's more that we know that those rules don't actually apply to Democrats. SCOTUS will make sure of it.
It's notthe Dems won't accept Biden doing them, its that the Dems & Biden follow the rules. While the GOP gleefully runs around grinding said rules into the dirt. Not saying get down in the mud with the GOP, but a little "good trouble" would be a great idea right now.
"Following the rules even though they no longer exist" would be peak Democratic institutionalism.
I've realized this recently: they're pushing through such absurdly abusable tenants because they know that Democrats are too cowardly to actually act on them. They'll just wring their hands and fret until a Republican gets the authority necessary to exploit the shit out of these rulings.
they are laughing in the democrats faces because they know they are too weak to take advantage of this
i, personally, do not want authoritarianism even when the democrats do it
with this ruling, every president is a king. there are only democrat kings or republican kings. there is no third choice. i dont like it, but that is now the world we live in.
id love to live in a world where the president is not above the law, but that is not the world we live in anymore.
First Republican King you get will signal the end of any possibility of a Democrat King
I am a pretty mild-mannered Democrat. I think Biden should capture the SCOTUS majority as well as Trump and hold them as enemy combatants. I agree with you, but I think the limit here isn't the Dem electorate, it's the Dem establishment.
Wasn't this actually spoken of during arguments?
So if I understand the arguments and timing to date-- they wanted to announce late in season, and based on their arguments of total presidential immunity, so that Biden ordering seal team 6 to assassinate Trump would be fully supported by SCOTUS-- Did I follow these trials correctly?
I would accept certain acts
After today Biden should just go ham and start doing everything regardless of the law or process or whatever. It’s all legal for him now. Then at the last minute before leaving office the Dems should ram through the “Bet You Regret That Act” that explicitly makes presidential crimes punishable.
Speak for yourself. I wouldn't blame him if he incinerated the SC building with napalm right now.
I'm not making excuses for the cracker jack Court and don't agree with the decision but "official acts" does set SOME sort of bar.
If the events of Jan 6 falls under that umbrella, there’s shockingly little that doesn’t.
sort of with you. But Joe’s keeps saying his primary goal is to save our democracy. since those six judges now have bestowed upon him unlimited powers and complete immunity for ‘official acts,’ we might be surprised how he wields his newly-identified powers.
the six judges have given Joe the green light to do anything he determines is “an official act.”
Good point. It's time for Democrats to start making them worry about it.
Our entire future will be thrown away by these pussies because they refuse to actually wield power when they have it. They have doomed us and our children, and their children. Congratulations dems, give yourself a round of applause!
FFS. THIS RULING DOES NOT APPLY TO BIDEN. The court knows this, Biden knows this, why TF are people having trouble understanding this?
I support any action the president takes to defend our democracy. Some things would be near equal to t’s crimes but worse would be to let him have power if he can be stopped.
It's time for some Constitutional Hardball.
And as an institutionalist, he won't act that way.
Ain't that the truth Dem's "play nice" and get trodden into the ground question is why bother with Dem's, may as well just bend over and kiss your arse goodbye......'cos it's gotta be better than the alternative fuck over your about to get
So I guess no more elections.