


When did I go from grudgingly creating a Twitter account so I could upload some pictures to actively making a Bluesky account?

I almost certainly won't follow you back.
Reposted by Ranamar
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
Reposted by Ranamar
Well France apparently just collabed between everyone else to kick a far right party out of the chance to take power, it can be done if enough people want it to be, folks
Reposted by Ranamar
Man i have been saying for a minute that voters everywhere are rejecting fascist shit and it’s only the media that makes us think otherwise, but it’s nice to see that in play right now
Reposted by Ranamar
Growing concerns as to the NYT's age and fitness have yet to be answered.
Toddler saying "Okay" like it's an old-school JavaScript alert loop
Reposted by Ranamar
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
Reposted by Ranamar
Read this, share this widely
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Reposted by Ranamar
The only reason republican states are trying to add further restrictions is to prevent poorer people without access to the additional documentation from voting. This has nothing to do with preventing non-citizens from voting.
Reposted by Ranamar
The crypto billionaire who backed Dean Phillips is the best quote from a nervous donor they could find?!
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics" www.cnbc.com/2024/07/06/b...
Reposted by Ranamar
Reagan really losing it actually improved his Presidency since it let Nancy pull off a palace coup to depose arch-conservative and Iran Contra participant Don Regan from the Chief of Staff role and replaced him with (relative) moderate Howard Baker
Reposted by Ranamar
Reposted by Ranamar
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
I always enjoy these 4th of July posts, because while he's almost certainly a category or two to the right of me politically, (as enumerated in the first footnote, which might be a new record for length) they reliably celebrate the important points which we agree on.
This week on the blog! This year's now customary July 4th-week post is on the philosophy of the American founding, liberalism (in the 'liberty' sense of the word) - what it is, where it comes from and its impressive track record. acoup.blog/2024/07/05/c...
Collections: The Philosophy of Liberty – On Liberalismacoup.blog It is once again the week of July 4th and so, as is customary here, I am going to use this week’s post to talk about the United States or more correctly this week about the political philosop…
Reposted by Ranamar
We first said this during the GWB era, and it remains true: "Republicans are terrified of the Democrats' hidden agenda. Democrats are terrified of the Republicans STATED agenda."
Everybody needs to see this quote, understand that this is what Project 2025 is about, and internalize the fact that this is what the Republican Party is doing. This is not a conspiracy theory from the left. They are saying it out loud. #politics #news
Reposted by Ranamar
This photo is pure 2024.
Reposted by Ranamar
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
Reposted by Ranamar
Reposted by Ranamar
this has always been one of the most terrifying aspects of climate change to me what happens, politically, when climate refugees number in the hundreds of millions? nothing good, that’s for sure
this is the right wing movement we get with a little migration and inflation. what does it look like when climate change really starts to bite
Reposted by Ranamar
Not that anyone is asking me, but I have no idea what the Democrats should do right now. All the options seem bad, and there isn’t one that seems less bad than the others. And as a professional opinion-haver, it’s disorienting to have no strong opinion about something so enormously consequential.
Reposted by Ranamar
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
Reposted by Ranamar
America is not perfect. Far from it. But there are ideals worth fighting for, values worth pursuing, even when we fall short. Don’t abandon it to the totalitarians. https://www.popehat.com/p/the-fourth-of-july
The Fourth Of Julywww.popehat.com The America That Could Be
Reposted by Ranamar
That’s wild. $688.45 - for fines bc of the sign $1 - for having 1A violated $31,811.75 - for lawyers costs
Reposted by Ranamar
Even if they were both doddering incompetents being used as puppets by their respective staffs, well, I know whose staff I want.
Reposted by Ranamar
once again the fact that the media (which actually follows the candidates closely enough to know and therefore be bored of their platforms, apparently even when they are hitler shit) covers the debates entirely on tone and presentation is a Big Problem
Reposted by Ranamar
“Politics would be interesting again” is the most telling line here. They find all this boring I guess.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Reposted by Ranamar
“This amount of coalescing against the far-right by no means looked certain as of a week ago. While it can't just erase Macronists' extraordinarily equivocating 'pox on both houses' rhetoric during the campaign, it does make it a lot harder for the far-right to win on Sunday.”
FRANCE UPDATE: The near-final list of candidates who are in the French runoffs is out. Two days ago, 311 districts were going to have 3-way or 4-way runoffs. Then, 200+ candidates dropped out to block far-right. So: There'll be "just" 91 such runoffs this coming Sunday.
Reposted by Ranamar
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
Reposted by Ranamar
Isn't it interesting that they're trying to frame themselves as initiating *that* war instead of the Civil War? Wannabe Confederates still don't like being called what they are. Probably because it reminds them they lost the first time.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Reposted by Ranamar
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp. www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
Reposted by Ranamar
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."