Beth W

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Beth W

Creator of Doodlecats. Rainbow wizard cat artist. Autistic, ME/CFS EDS. She/they
Just had to bury a hedgehog :( I think it must have been hit by a car and just managed to make it to the pavement by our house. It’s sad :( I love hedgehogs
Just a regular July - laying under blankets with a pile of cats, listening to the rain.
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Ny Neurodivergent collection is NOW LIVE in my shop at 🥳🥳🥳 You can grab all of these pins, as well as matching stickers and prints! ✨️ #ArtShop #ADHD #Autism
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Went to the sea to take photos of the crows so I could do some drawings from them.
Followed a new recipe, exactly. It’s not worked at all and now I have a tray of melted food mess 😭
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Puberty blockers. Cass didn’t suggest a ban. Outgoing Con minister did it anyway (no parliamentary scrutiny). But *only for trans kids*. Wes Streeting intends to make the ban permanent. Since NHS England discontinued their use in 2020, 16 trans kids under NHS care have taken their own lives.
Happy Caturday folks
I can’t find words to say how much I hate Wes Streeting
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imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
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making laws banning specific individuals from accessing medicine and healthcare that significantly increases their quality of life seems a pretty good definition of Fascism.
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...generative AI is being shoved on us even while we don't want it and it uses entire nations' worth of electricity, electric cars remain a luxury for the rich, the planet gets hotter, but sure it's just "techlash is trendy"
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
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things are getting scarier for trans ppl in the uk, please support us loudly + often + monetarily so we can live our lives kj is fundraising for surgery, please donate if you can a repost costs nothing but could be the difference between getting healthcare + not 🏳️‍⚧️
Operation De-tit aka KJs top surgery fund, organized by KJ Hi loves, my name is KJ, I just turned 27 and I am nonbinary. I am unfortuna… KJ Kosschuk needs your support for Operation De-tit aka KJs top surgery fund
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Yeah there it is. Fuck Wes Streeting, and fuck the people who gave him this power.
Wes Streeting is a disgrace to queer solidarity and to evidence-based policymaking. That he is Health Secretary will lead to more suicides among trans youth in the UK.
I really wish traditional media didn't hurt my hands so much. Maybe if I could work really big with charcoal and and easel but that's way too messy so I'm stuck with digital. I've started a new bird sketchbook. It's all procreate but I'm printing it all out so it feels like I still have physical art
I'm dying my hair but I'm using up all the old pots of blue and green I had leftover from my rainbow days so it will either be super awesome or a total mess. fingers crossed for super awesome!
I've been researching ways to make tortoiseshell doodlecats because it's really hard to do in my simple cartoony style and it's fucking depressing to see so much AI stuff.
It’s not raining today so I was commanded to go outside so she could sniff things and roll about
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This meme is relevant again.
does anyone else feel goofy trying to recycle and conserve power after reading about how much energy AI consumes on a daily basis
Keeping me in my place
Annalise Dodds for Women and Equalities Minister defintely isn't the worst choice. She's definitely not as transphobic as Kier so maybe we can have hope? I dunno
I mostly buy second hand clothes and it’s always a risk when people are so rubbish at photographing colours. Thankfully this shirt is even more glorious than I expected :D
I know I’m old when I wake to the sound of torrential rain in the night and just feel content knowing the that all our water butts will be filling up. We won’t have to lug water from one end of the garden to the other to water the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse :D
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Starmer isn't a great conquering hero, he's the leader of the (technically) not tories.
Already saw an article analyzing Starmer's great moves leading to the labour win. Bitch, no. Starmer didn't win this. He was the person on the other side when years of corruption and incompetence caused the tories to collapse. That's the story. Evil having comeuppance.
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Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Begging reporters to stop talking about the rainy weather before the actual thing they’re reporting on. Yes we know water is falling from the sky as tories fall from power. It’s Britain, it rains a lot.
I started writing a letter to my new MP and it's at 1000 words already and I've not go to my views on genocide or the environment yet. He's not going to read all that is he? I should trim it down and make it more concise. I just have a lot to say.