
As someone in North Carolina it is still so weird to me to see people posting about dispensaries and their backyard weed plants (fully legal) One day Maybe one day I'll live like y'all lmao 😭
the weirdest part for me was paying with a debit card. no cash, no change, no sitting on some boring dude’s couch for an hour as he makes you talk to him about his aquarium when you just want to get your weed and go.
See ok this is what I'm saying. Like a debit card??😭 (Also ur dude was smart for that. Annoying but smart lol)
2:1 deals on gummies. gotten so good we hardly ever smoke anymore. all the technology blossomed underground during the drug war is now in full fruit. & he just had no friends. have no views to offer on aquariums myself, so he abused his power by subjecting me to his tedious monologues