Molly (No longer 🔵)

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Molly (No longer 🔵)

Statistic who does statistics

Discord: haymollz (idk how it works lmao)
I took the pregnancy test in the strip club bathroom and I remember showing it to another dancer and I was like "that's not positive right???" And she said "oh hunny" and lmfao
It's really weird because like I had basically nothing! No clue what I was doing. No clue how I was going to make it work. And now look at me?
Can't believe I got a stem degree just to learn that Vibes > everything else
Me at 23, homeless, occasionally shooting dope, mostly dead inside: hell yeah I'm gonna keep this baby Me at almost 30, with housing and an actual debit card and credit score etc etc: wow I want a second child but if my car breaks down and the place I live catches fire and...
being able to hear but not see fireworks is like being able to smell but not taste food but only if all food smelled like shit
This post brought to you by me considering doing a tarot card reading to decide whether to cancel my IUD removal appt lol
I actually like tarot cards because I mean if I'll make life decisions with coin flips why wouldnt I trust shuffling cards
I actually like tarot cards because I mean if I'll make life decisions with coin flips why wouldnt I trust shuffling cards
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you
Chat is this real or edited I honestly cannot tell
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Another reason to be a fireworks hater
Due to the fireworks, New York City's air quality is the worst in the world tonight. When AQI is low, it's a good idea to wear a mask to protect your health. But this could soon be a crime, as one of the mask ban bills prohibits masks at "lawful assemblies." #NoNYMaskBan
As someone in North Carolina it is still so weird to me to see people posting about dispensaries and their backyard weed plants (fully legal) One day Maybe one day I'll live like y'all lmao 😭
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
every guy who spent three tours carrying boxes of ink to the printer on a base in germany thinks he personally led seal team six
One of my ex's step dad was a sheriff or something (idk he died before me and my ex met) Anyway we were DD for his mom one night, party full of cops. Almost got in a fight with a cops wife because she was hellbent on driving. And was so drunk she could barely put the key in.
whether you think america is great or america sucks, you have to admit, america sucks.
I'm a freelance illustrator & maker of cute things, I love drawing animal characters (especially kitties!) 🐱🐾 You can check out my shop at: or find all my other links here:
Gaza now has the largest number of child amputees in history.
Has anyone considered sending the unsealed Epstein documents to Kendrick and letting politics sort themselves out
Oh it's like OVER over for Drake huh
I made a banana creme pie and it's too rich It's good but my god it's rich
When I eventually move how am I supposed to bring my blocks with me 😬
I have had this half finished since like December. It is the worst. Because of the TREES Just Ugh 😮‍💨
I have had this half finished since like December. It is the worst. Because of the TREES Just Ugh 😮‍💨
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
I’m not kink shaming I’m kink asking why
breathing oxygen is beta coded.
Defense contractor thinks being successful on onlyfans is a sign of privilege, etc
There's a tendency that's way too common in the online left to have determined ones own job to be the Most Socialist Job™️ Guy who works in construction calls office worker petite-bourgeois Guy who works in an office thinks restaurant workers are working class traitors Etc etc etc