
Someone should hack the sexyfur site and crash it.
Jeremy Bernal has gone from "strictly business" and being very protective of his characters in the 00's to being a soul-selling tool.
I would love nothing more than for sexyfur to go down HARD
Is anyone surprised by this? Bernal has been a homophobic conservative since the 90's. 🤷‍♀️ He was incensed when Radio started Genus: Male, saying we "turned Genus gay!" Uh, no, we still did regular Genus, we just did a gay one too. (96 issues of Genus, 13 of Genus: Male.)
I called him out on her wearing the fucking hat. I don't think he actually likes Trump, I think he did it for the lulz. That hat is specifically the Trump Party symbol. It's not Republican, and it's not American.
Ya know it's sad how this happens to people. Like, when I first entered the fandom in the 90s all the sexual expression that was so different than what I had seen made me uncomfortable at first. BUT instead of being an asshole, I just grew to accept it. I even learned new things about myself.
That’s a really weird hill for him to die on given that it’s obviously a plain. But I didn’t know that.
He and some like-minded friends were going to do their own furry adult comic, with blackjack and hookers, ostensibly to drive Genus/us out of business (as stated on usenet, at the time). Think they got 2(?) issues out? Comics are hard work, it turns out. (I can't even remember the title, now.)
Oh god. I think it was Rare Breed? Actually didn't realize it was supposed to be the "Genus killer" That went well :P
L M A O Sounds about right. Guess he realized that publishing comics is a bit harder than bitching about existing ones on
I don't think Rare Breed had Diamond Distribution, maybe the first issue did? It's been a long time. Comics are hard, man. "We do not do this thing because it is permitted. We do it because we have to. We do it because we are compelled."
"After Hasbro bought and closed MicroProse, he used his severance pay to found SexyFur. He also says he has invested in real estate, worked as a writer and general software developer, and built a biodiesel refinery in Uruguay."
Didn't know that detail about Rare Breed (never spent time on usenet). Caddell asked me to do the line art for the cover of issue 2. By that time Bernal had already exited the comic and left everything for Caddell to deal with.
That was a little before I discovered furry, I never actually heard any of his opinions until recently
Ahh, that sucks, I'm sorry. We started dealing with him in the mid-90's when we (me & & Brian Sutton) were putting the books together at AP. He was already so impossible by the early 2000's, when we did the Amy's Adventures collected issue, we had his pages redrawn by D.A.Q.
Never knew this, only that he was super fussy about his art getting reposted anywhere. Dawn here was like a super big crush of mine when I was a young furry. That is soiled. D: