TC Coyote / Not What I Was webcomic

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TC Coyote / Not What I Was webcomic

Artist, tailor, leathercrafter, baker, convention staffer.

Steampunk/Cyberpunk fan

Author/artist of "Not What I Was" webcomic
YOU get a tornado warning, *YOU* get a tornado warning, YOU!! get a tornado warning!! (seriously, holy shit, stay safe people in Texas, turns out that tropical storm was no joke. :( )
I’m not going to lie, in my head possums are the size of a loaf of bread and I never know how to process it when I see how big they really are
#girlgenius #webcomics Girl Genius for 7/8 (link in comments) Lo, it is hot. This doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does the rest of the family, who were all raised in the Salish Sea area, and thus, are delicate flowers.
Not all bats live in colonies! Eastern red bats are a solitary, migratory bat that lives in trees. They often snuggle down into leaf litter to keep warm, which makes them vulnerable to being grabbed by dogs or cats. That's what landed this young one in rehab with us.
*checks scale* Oh, hey, I’m down ~50 pounds off my worst ~5 years back. Yay, me.
Merc has updated #comic time to call the boy out
"This is not the first time a tech hype cycle has resulted in spending on technologies that don’t pan out in the end; virtual reality, the metaverse, and blockchain are prime examples of technologies that saw substantial spend but have few—if any—real world applications today"
“It’s already there. Adapt and accept it” Bitch, ai isn’t gravity!
Hey Surprise SCOTUS ruling this morning: They've decided they really like those fancy British court wigs Due to a fancy wig shortage, they've compromised All lawyers are now required to wear taxidermied Canadian geese on their heads in court
Keesha would've found this one amusing,
In news not— No, wait, this one is Middle East: An Iranian military vessel has now capsized & sunk in their latest naval mishap. While Iran tries to point out a US ship capsized in 2022, the US vessel in question was a WWII museum ship that left service in 1965
Iranian frigate capsizes at port, another blow to navy's track The Iranian frigate Sahand was photographed floating on its side as merchant vessels were docked nearby. State media said it was undergoing repairs.
One of the most unusual engines ever to operate on the west coast, the Central -> Southern Pacific used these 2-6-2T's for east bay commuter service from Alameda into Oakland and Berkeley. One survives today at CSRM after being on display for decades in a park near Lake Merritt.
Quote post with your space art! 🌕 A piece I did to try out doing a kids flash gordon comic #illustration #kidlitart #comics #flashgordon
QRT with your space art! 🌕 This kind of counts right? Test art I did for thatgamecompany’s Sky~ #kidlitart #illustration
Guardian’s found a follow-up for their “don’t be mean to Farage over Ukraine”, An open letter against future Ukrainian NATO membership in which a number of signatories are employed by various Trump or Koch-connected organizations, or ones advocating giving territory to Russia
In news not— No, wait, this one is Middle East: An Iranian military vessel has now capsized & sunk in their latest naval mishap. While Iran tries to point out a US ship capsized in 2022, the US vessel in question was a WWII museum ship that left service in 1965
Iranian frigate capsizes at port, another blow to navy's track The Iranian frigate Sahand was photographed floating on its side as merchant vessels were docked nearby. State media said it was undergoing repairs.
The posters for the domestic and overseas market I penciled for Warner Bros. Consumer Products. There is an initial rough for the domestic I have to find and post that had Lola Bunny in it, but marketing thought she was too new to be with already established Looney Tunes characters. Colors unknown
Daily bunny no.2543 is going underground
Fun ebay find of the day, a whimsical, but well executed depressed center flatcar load with the Apollo command module as a load. A bit worried how the chains and blocks might damage the module though... How were they actually transported IRL? Aerospacelines "Super Guppy"?
I mean at this point just the law of averages says she has to be correct about *something* at least once, and yet ...
"My shoes are too tight. But, it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten how to dance." -B5
Most comics artist-authors will agree that our OCs are all projections of some part of ourselves. In Mr. Watterson's case, while Calvin/Hobbes were the channel to his inner child's self, Calvin's dad became the cathartic projection of his jaded, kvetching adult self. (It's a theory).
Growing up into Calvin's dad was so wild.
So a terrible plan came out of a venture capitalist and someone who worked for Obama but couldn't get paid work for Biden. Ok that tracks.
Dumbest fuckin’ idea I’ve ever heard. “The proposal is work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist…”
Well, at least if a TF into a Vulpix, I'll never have to worry about not being able to get a campfire started
wishing you all a very happy pokemon transformation day
If all you want is a better dictator you’re not proposing the solution anyone wants except the fascists.