Dorothy Lepkowska

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Dorothy Lepkowska

Award-winning education writer, editor, journalist; comms professional.
Co-author "Meet the Parents..."
Polish Brit, British Pole. Pro-European, pro-EU.
Avid, but slow, Parkrunner. Lover of languages.
Mówię po polsku.
Liz Truss has links to the Heritage Foundation and gave a speech to them earlier this year.
If interested, this is the summary of Project 2025 that I read over the weekend.
The People’s Guide to Project 2025 - Democracy
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Vote tactically, but please vote today. If you're in Bicester and Woodstock, please vote for LibDem Calum Miller, who was the stand-out candidate in our local hustings last week. A LibDem Opposition can start the conversation about a move back to the EU, against Labour reluctance to do so.
Got a lot of Brit friends over here on Bluesky, so to all of you, I wish you an awesome and patriotic 4th of July! Send those Tories packing tomorrow and take your country back. Looking forward to returning to a kingdom that has returned to sanity.
Please check where you live what your tactical vote should be. It's not always Labour.
"We believe the Liberal Democrats will be a much better Opposition. An Opposition who will push for proportional representation instead of pushing to let sewage be dumped in our rivers." #VoteTactically for a #ToryWipeout2024
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Looking forward to retweeting this thread when the exit poll drops
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The Tories are in their tailspin descent now, shrieking warnings about how the sky will fall in if we don’t save them. They don’t see how much we want them to crash and burn. How angry we are with the damage they’ve done. How we will not forgive or forget. Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Understandable that Sunak doesn't want his kids to grow up in a country where they have to listen to things like that Reform ltd. racist He should then also have stopped his MPs from constantly using blaming the Tory Party's failures on immigrants and playing culture war politics.
Project 2025, people, and don't think this won't come to the UK in the future if Farage gets a foothold into our politics.
“With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda…”
Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump An outside group is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the conservative policies promised by Republican Donald Trump.
Anyone know how we stop our dog waking us every night? We are going to go mad soon through disturbed, and lack of, sleep.
Went to our local hustings last night. This man, who said he came to the UK 14 years ago, wants to send all migrants home. He repeated "Britain is broken" like a stuck record and with no apparent sense of irony. Make it make sense, someone!
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She's done more for disadvantaged people in this country in two weeks than our government has in 14 years.
Sexually Suggestive
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Avatar Hi Adam. Any chance that could do an expose on Project 2025? (Apologies if you have and I missed it). It occurs to me that its architects are the same people who fund Farage. There is a lot of dot-joining that needs to be done by us here in the UK.
Don't think this won't cross the Pond if Trump wins and Farage gets a foot-hold into our politics. Remember what he said about Andrew Tate and about his ambitions to be PM by 2029. He is funded by the same dark organisations as Trump. Be careful what you vote for.
Eight years since the UK voted to impose economic sanctions on itself, cut itself off from its nearest neighbours and allies, and float aimlessly off into the north Atlantic to pursue Empire 2.0. What an absolute shambles. I'll never forgive those who campaigned for this shitshow, or who voted or it
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Our resident Romanian isn't too impressed with this scoreline 🇧🇪🇷🇴 #Euros
Let us not forget that many ties that bind the Tory party to RuZZia.