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You must gather your party before venturing forth.
I was assured - repeatedly - that centrists and liberals would *always* side with the fascists over the leftists, not ally with the leftists against the fascists. How strange. It’s *almost* as though Twitter communists are full of shit.
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
Today’s special weekend extra edition of Inside Politics, on the political and policy reasons that prisons and the NHS are Starmer’s go-to examples of what is broken in the UK is FREE TO READ here:
Behind Keir Starmer’s new approach to prisons is a cautious Labour’s emphasis on dire state of public realm is designed to manage voter expectations, while underlining that change is coming
Just signed up for the telegraph for 3 months for £1 in the hope of the right going batshit insane and good god but it’s the best 33p I have ever spent *already*
I voted Reform because I want my country Britain deserves to forge its own path again. It will under Reform, not under Labour
So long and thanks for all the
Inside you are two wolves
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
This thread is full of errors (a consequence of the fact that the Tory rulebook is not available online). No, the 100 is not fixed. No, no members of the 1922 “lost their seats” - there are no members of the 1922 when parliament is dissolved. There are fresh elections every term.
This will be doubly awkward as the number of NOMINATIONS required for a candidate to make the Tory Leadership ballot ISN'T a percentage. It's a fixed number. 100 MPs. I'm sure it sounded reasonable at the time. Good luck getting 100 Tory MPs to agree on something when there are only 121 of them.
Nick Timothy run for Tory leader bitch
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
Jacob Rees Mogg is trying to get through the cordon with a fishing rod and a Fortnum & Mason's hamper.
BREAKING: Allister Heath has locked himself into a corner window room at Telegraph Towers with a sniper rifle, and trained police negotiators are currently trying to talk him down.
Well looks like I could well be spectacularly wrong here
Am sure the Birmingham Ladywood contest is interesting and the TikTok guy running against Shabaka Mahmoud is worth covering but I’m really not sure the News Agents should be describing the contest as a “two horse race” between them. This is what she polled in the worst Labour election for 40 years
As I was saying
My smaller platform prediction would be I suspect Reform will be closer to 3 than 13
Look, the reason we are watching these shows is the declarations. We can pretend it’s for high-minded data reasons, but it’s because we want to watch Tories having their dreams crushed in some run down sports centre at 2am. Show us more declarations! Show us more pathos!
One of the things that Sunderland declaring so quickly does is that a very leave heavy set of seats sets the narrative for the rest of the night. The rest of the night *may completely* mirror the narrative set by that. But even so, it is v interesting to observe.
Cackling at Leadsom going full We Were Not Tory Enough. YES YES YES YES.
I am a bit disappointed that - according to the exit poll - Labour will get a 1997 result 5 years after suffering a 1935 result, and the Tories will only get an 1832 result, which is far too good a performance from them imho. I am quite hard to please.
Honestly, disappointed by those Tory seat numbers. KEIR STARMER MUST CONSIDER HIS POSITION.
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
Comrades, I have PROUDLY voted Worker’s Party of Great Britain, as they stand strong on the two most important issues to me: (1) support for PEOPLE’S KOREA, and in particular their quest for a worker’s bomb and (2) hang all the nonces.
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
Today’s newsletter: some thoughts on Rishi Sunak’s election campaign, and the decisions, in the last six weeks, but also the last two years that made it so:
Why has Rishi Sunak’s campaign been such a disaster? The PM’s blunders worsened his chances amid a backdrop of crumbling public services and party fundraising struggles
Happy Polling Day everyone
All these moments will be lost in time. Like tears in rain.
POV: you are idly scrolling the retweets of the maddest tweet you’ve seen in a long time
Just over 30 hours to polls open
Survation MRP is SPICEH
Reposted byAvatar Twlldun
one of the many disservice the Tory press has done to its party and to itself is convincing each other that, just because the public think the left are weirdos, that means they haven't noticed how fucking weird the right are.