The Rt Hon Lady Kidman

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The Rt Hon Lady Kidman

Kleine Pasha*in und sozial Touristin. Ruthless cosmopolitan and drinker of cosmopolitans. Proud EU citizen of nowhere. Radical centrist bore.

Nie wieder Faschismus! Nie wieder zweite Liga!
"Switch from the development of car-reliant estates spread around the edges of towns by developers to a more strategic approach in which councils decide on the best sites and take ‘confident bites’ out of the green belt by allocating a few large urban extensions."
Labour’s housing plans will use land twice size of Milton Keynes, expert David Rudlin, a new towns specialist, says green belt should not be unchangeable, or be abandoned
"Civil servants warned about the dire state of infrastructure. The condition of Coppermills, a water treatment works in London that serves as many as 3 million, is particularly alarming. The site is classed among the most important pieces of infrastructure."
Poor state of Thames Water a ‘critical risk’ to UK, Starmer and Reeves Exclusive: Whitehall warns firm’s deteriorating infrastructure and £15.6bn debt pose urgent problem
"While there is no evidence any of the candidates are fake, if that turned out to be true, it would be a serious electoral offence. Reform were keen to win as big a share of the national vote as possible, which is helped by a full slate of candidates."
Reform UK under pressure to prove all its candidates were real Doubt raised about election hopefuls who stood without providing photos, biographies or contact details
“When I lived in the UK I refused to pay tax.” The court heard his approach was “ignore, ignore, ignore because in the end they go away”. The court also heard that the brothers had a “huge number of bank accounts” in the UK, seven of which have been frozen.
Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan accused of being ‘serial tax evaders’ Self-proclaimed misogynist ‘brazen’ about refusing to pay tax on revenue from online businesses, court told
“She had been ‘told too late,’ she loved him too much, our misogynistic culture was to blame if I expected her to sacrifice for her children and make up for the failings of men. Whatever happened was between me and my stepfather, nothing to do with her."
Alice Munro knew my stepfather sexually abused me as a child, says Nobel laureate’s Andrea Robin Skinner says her stepfather sexually assaulted her when she was nine, but her mother said she ‘loved him too much’ to leave him
the greatest president of all time was in a fucking wheelchair and couldn't walk!
Yes, it’s fine to be worried about the debate, it’s fine to wish we had another nominee, it’s fine to think about how to make it happen. But the fixation on replacing has become a rationale for waging open war on DEMOCRATS, which over time is doing considerably more damage than the debate did
I think there are many people who saw the debate and came away from it believing that he is not in a good mental place and will be unable to win the election. But then they became so fixated on replacing him with someone who could win that they ignored any reality of how it might be accomplished.
I think this is a good insight into Moscow’s approach in Ukraine (and elsewhere).
"Als einer von nur zwei Landesregierungschefs erhält Tschentscher eine Grüne Karte. Sein elektrischer Mercedes-Benz EQE 500 stößt 79 Gramm aus und liegt damit unter dem Grenzwert. Mit der Klimafreundlichkeit geht jedoch ein Preis einher."
Dienstwagen-Check – die CO2-Bilanz der Hamburger Tschentscher und Tjarks glänzen, Plug-in-Hybride enttäuschen. Warum Hamburg trotz bundesweiter Spitzenposition von der Deutschen Umwelthilfe eine Rote Karte erhält.
As Ed Miliband ends the ban on onshore wind and moves to classify it as national infrastructure (i.e. like pylons, the secretary of state approves them and a local council can't go 'we have quite enough power to be going on with) I once again find myself thinking about Rishi Sunak's 2024 campaign.
Nothing says 'technocrat' like 'actively making scepticism towards climate policy a dividing line in 2024'.
The programme says *very little* about secdef, and foreign policy. Probably not surprising as this is an area where the different parties disagree quite a bit. Remember that this👇 was the NUPES programme (similar grouping from 2022): views from disolving NATO to staying in.
Dutch fans were not caught on camera giving out fascist salutes in their thousands in a football stadium, that is fact. Dutch society has not been captured by nationalistic chauvinism to the same degree as Turkish one.
Considering how the Dutch voted in November last year, their antifascist credentials are a bit tarnished. I say this as one who’s lived in Amsterdam, loves NL, & has supported the Oranje for 35 years.
"It should seem odd that media calls to step down were not first directed to Trump. If we are calling for Biden to step aside because someone must stop Trump from bringing down the republic, surely it'd have made more sense to first call for Trump to step aside?"
Fascism and The Moment, The Media, The Election
"LLMs help non-natives with English texts, which could justify their use." On the other hand, researchers offer that native English speakers "may be better at noticing and removing unnatural style words from LLM outputs," thus hiding their LLM usage from this analysis.
The Words That Give Away Generative AI From “delves” to “showcasing,” certain words boomed in usage after LLMs became mainstream.
"The same is true for Nest cameras and doorbells, the Pixel Watch, and every other Google gadget that isn’t a Pixel phone or tablet. If it breaks, you can try to find reliable repair shops or source parts online and attempt a fix yourself."
Google’s Repair Policy Is You have options for repairing Pixel phones and tablets, but fixing any of Google’s other hardware is almost futile. It’s time Google offered proper repair options for its growing lineup of gadgets.
"Das wollen Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein mit einem Staatsvertrag ändern. Künftig soll es einfach und unbürokratisch werden, einen Rettungshubschrauber aus dem Nachbarland zu ordern, wenn der eine in Hamburg oder die vier in Schleswig-Holstein ausgelastet sind."
Nahverkehr im Norden: Hamburg und Kiel wollen Tarife für Bus und Bahn Kabinettssitzung beider Landesregierungen im Rathaus. Es geht um Tickets im ÖPNV, die Zukunft der Kliniken – und die Luftrettung.
Dass Erdoğan gleich nach dem Spiel wieder nach Hause fliegen konnte ohne von einem Mitglied der Bundesregierung in die Schranken verwiesen worden zu sein, ist ein Skandal. Der Gedanke, der sich aufdrängt: Der türkische Präsident kann in Deutschland walten, wie er mag.
Erdoğans provokanter EM-Auftritt: Deutliche Botschaft an die deutsche Die Inszenierung war perfekt: Tausende türkische Fans empfangen Erdogan im Olympiastadion, zeigen ungehindert den "Wolfsgruß". Und die Bundesregierung? Schaut nur zu. Ein Skandal.
"Germany remains a country cheerfully committed to mass outdoor boozing. The result has been, with a handful of exceptions, a mood of broad conviviality – after Qatar – there has been an obvious sense of release in a more traditional tournament environment."
Euro 2024 is a party – but continent’s fractures are there for all to see | Jonathan This Germany team could not emulate side of 2006 in a tournament intertwined with complicated nationalism
It’s unsustainable. Ukraine’s drone attacks on Russian oil facilities have also been economically devastating. Russia can’t carry on like this which is why Putin is shifting focus to get puppets elected in western democracies so they can push for a peace deal that will save Russia. 2/2
Gorbachev ultimately gave assent to a united Germany in NATO in exchange for face-saving measures, such as a grace period for removing Soviet troops and restrictions on nuclear weapons. What he did not receive were any formal guarantees against NATO expansion.
A Broken Promise? Moscow has long argued that in expanding NATO eastward, Washington broke the promise it made to Soviet leaders shortly after the Berlin wall fell. But new evidence shows that the United States never a...
"An unusual scene drew the attention of France's border police at Charles-de-Gaulle airport. As the police looked on, a man was being restrained by a group of 7 individuals who were leading him toward the boarding gates despite his resistance."
France asks two Chinese spies to leave after attempt to forcibly repatriate The top official in Paris of the Ministry of State Security, the Chinese intelligence agency, and his deputy have been asked to leave the country.
"Sachsen-Anhalts Verkehrsministerin Lydia Hüskens (FDP) rechnet bereits damit, dass der Preis steigt. „Denkbar wäre es, den Preis des Deutschlandtickets an den Verbraucherpreisindex zu koppeln und einmal jährlich zu aktualisieren“, sagte Hüskens der dpa."
HVV: Deutschlandticket wird teurer als 49 Euro – doch wie viel? Hamburgs Verkehrssenator Tjarks vor der Sonderkonferenz: Finanzierung für 2024 steht. Neue Gedankenspiele um das Deutschlandticket.
"China is doing little to reduce demand for water, something which is necessary. In practice this approach would entail raising the water price so that it better reflects the scarce supply and lowers consumption. Instead, the government keeps prices artificially low."
China is struck by floods and drought—at the same A looming water crisis threatens everything from data centres to farms
Lothar Matthäus is the Evelyn Burdecki of football.
This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with