
#KidLitChat If you like learning while doing other things, like driving to the grocery store, or folding laundry, I highly reccommend the Publishing Rodeo podcast. Fascinating interviews. I've found it really helpful in learning more about portions of publishing I didn't understand.
TOPIC: The publishing industry changes daily, it seems. What are the most reliable sources for information on the currents and eddies that can affect how you navigate your creative career--publications? professional panels? best-seller lists? #kidlitchat
I love podcasts! They keep my brain engaged when I'm doing otherwise tedious tasks (like the dishes). I the only one who has a really hard time getting into publishing-specific podcasts? I don't know if it's just my "you can't tell me what to do" brain or something else... #KidLitChat
#KidLitChat I devour them. I have trouble getting into other types of podcasts. But I could just listen to publishing podcasts most of my day. Enjoying The Poetry Space recently. It's less publishing, more poetry. But perfect for me. I just love learning all the writing craft.
I wish I liked podcasts! I know that there is SO much information that I'm missing out on, but when I want to listen something, it's usually music so I can just vibe. I have the same issue with audiobooks haha #kidlitchat
I find I'm the same way. I listen to audiobooks when I exercise, but that's pretty much it #kidlitchat
I'm thinking it's probably the same issue I have with books on writing craft. I guess I'd rather learn the hard way by reading a lot of great books to see what they can teach me. Instead of publishing podcasts, I listen to the kind that engage my brain in puzzle-solving, etc. #KidLitChat
#KidLitChat Definitely have to find the method that works for you, and avoid the ones that stymie your creativity and writing joy. I'm glad you found the best way for you.
Yes! Sometimes, I feel like I'm "doing it wrong" because people love to ask what my favorite craft books (or podcasts, etc) are ... and I never have one to recommend (even though I know there are a lot of amazing ones out there). But I have to remember that we all have our own paths! #KidLitChat
So true - the “doing it wrong” feeling has really gotten to me in the past. Until, while searching endlessly for the “right” way, I often realized there were so many different right ways! Which has helped me feel more confident in carving out my own path. #kidlitchat
I'm partially deaf, so audio-only podcasts are a non-starter for me no matter the topic. I love it when podcasters have their episodes on YT so there's video and captions.
#KidLitChat My mother has a similar struggle from otis schlerosis. You know, I recently discovered Word currently has an autotranscribe feature for audio files. I used it to do the basic transcription of a bunch of interviews with my grandfather (900 pages worth!) I still had to go back through...
#KidLitChat ...but it got large swathes of it transcribed. I wonder if it would work for an unsubtitled podcast.
Me, I do! And this looks great! Def going to check it out.
#KidLitChat The Bookseller episode (I think it's episode 2?) was a standout. It was so informative over an area I knew so little about.
Ah great tip! I’ll put that one first on my list 😀 I love cooking dinner and listening to podcasts so this will be perfect! #kidlitchat