
#KidLitChat If you like learning while doing other things, like driving to the grocery store, or folding laundry, I highly reccommend the Publishing Rodeo podcast. Fascinating interviews. I've found it really helpful in learning more about portions of publishing I didn't understand.
TOPIC: The publishing industry changes daily, it seems. What are the most reliable sources for information on the currents and eddies that can affect how you navigate your creative career--publications? professional panels? best-seller lists? #kidlitchat
I love podcasts! They keep my brain engaged when I'm doing otherwise tedious tasks (like the dishes). I the only one who has a really hard time getting into publishing-specific podcasts? I don't know if it's just my "you can't tell me what to do" brain or something else... #KidLitChat
I'm partially deaf, so audio-only podcasts are a non-starter for me no matter the topic. I love it when podcasters have their episodes on YT so there's video and captions.
#KidLitChat My mother has a similar struggle from otis schlerosis. You know, I recently discovered Word currently has an autotranscribe feature for audio files. I used it to do the basic transcription of a bunch of interviews with my grandfather (900 pages worth!) I still had to go back through...
#KidLitChat ...but it got large swathes of it transcribed. I wonder if it would work for an unsubtitled podcast.