
I started out thinking Biden had to stay in the race. Over the last week I've been persuaded the best path forward (there no *great* paths) for saving our democracy is for Biden to step down and for Kamala Harris to take over. This should be soon. Harris will carry forward the #BidenBoom.
To hell with the New York Times, but I don't think these concerns are manufactured. Progressive spaces like TNR and Zeteo expressed immediate concern about Biden after the debate. But so did Never-Trump allies. The move to seriously grapple with stepping down is broad and organic.
Sadly, I fear way too many of us (and I include myself in this category) will spend more time worrying on the Internet than doing much that will help elect Democrats and defeat Trump and his enablers.
Any sense that postcards move the needle much? I always figured that knocking on doors was the most effective outreach -- but I guess I don't know that for sure.
Nevermind - the info on the effectiveness of postcards is right there on the page!