
I started out thinking Biden had to stay in the race. Over the last week I've been persuaded the best path forward (there no *great* paths) for saving our democracy is for Biden to step down and for Kamala Harris to take over. This should be soon. Harris will carry forward the #BidenBoom.
To hell with the New York Times, but I don't think these concerns are manufactured. Progressive spaces like TNR and Zeteo expressed immediate concern about Biden after the debate. But so did Never-Trump allies. The move to seriously grapple with stepping down is broad and organic.
Sadly, I fear way too many of us (and I include myself in this category) will spend more time worrying on the Internet than doing much that will help elect Democrats and defeat Trump and his enablers.
Any sense that postcards move the needle much? I always figured that knocking on doors was the most effective outreach -- but I guess I don't know that for sure.
Nevermind - the info on the effectiveness of postcards is right there on the page!
Great stat: “The short social pressure message was the most effective, increasing turnout by 0.9% versus the control group: “Thank you for being a [previous/first time] voter! Who you vote for is secret, but whether you vote is public information. Vote Tuesday, April 7th!” Our kids memorized this.
Knocking on doors is the best, but that's pretty useless for people who live in solid blue states, unless we're able and willing to leave the state for such campaigns. But our financial contributions, especially this early in the campaign, help to open and staff campaign offices.
I'm in blood red Indiana, so maybe not all that useful for me either.
There are also downballot races though. There might be swing districts near you, federal and state. There are also even local elections like school board-school boards are HUGE, the right's targeting them mercilessly for a reason.
I'm all over our school board race!
There are also local campaigns in blue states/cities, which I am vowing to finally get involved in this year.
It depends on what your campaign is trying to do and how organized a particular campaign is. Both have pros and cons though. Postcards are much more likely to get looked at than normal letters, register as personal and informal so are more persuasive, and reach a lot more people than doorknocking.
Postcards are best targeted at marginal voters and unlikely voters; door knocks are best targeted at persuadable voters, because can have an actual conversation and make that attempt. (Obv details matter and different circumstances call for different tactics and modifications to tactics so YMMV).
I just signed up and requested 200 postcards!