
"On the subject of the foreigners, we didn't do whatever it takes" is an intrinsically fascist thing to say and I don't care who this upsets.
And they’re off! Here go the Tories already trying to make next five years about exactly how vile we can be to migrants. (“Whatever it takes” in this context of course meaning “set fire to the ECHR and Refugee Convention”.)
I've said this before and I'll say it again - the Tories are inevitably going to merge with Reform in some way or other. That is the gravitational pull of political forces atm and it is pulling them that way at irresistible speeds.
Happened in Canada when the fringe Canadian Alliance (previously also called Reform Party) took over the Progressive Conservative party after the latter's historic defeat in 1993. Look for whatever young dorky fash virgin staffer hangs on to Farage now, he'll be your PM in 10 years
So do the One Nation end up a Lib Dem fusion club?