The idea of cooking with a gas stove and range gives me so much anxiety even after all these years because of a gas-related tragedy several years back. Give me back an electric range so I feel safe enough to cook again.
What helps fight the sad is thinking of the Last Prothean, standing in defiance of everything and everyone. Gods bless that grumpy ancient man. #masseffect #masseffect3 #javik #thelastprothean #bioware
My mini-keurig is dying and it makes me sad
Wanting the ability to speak the inside thoughts so as not to bother those directly around me is offset by the terror of being perceived by literally anyone.
I low-key can't wait for a reason to protect my peace and mash the block button.
for example! here are some small but important ways I changed how I consume: Audible -> (which supports the indie bookstore where I work) Goodreads (also owned by Amazon) -> Storygraph Spotify -> Tidal (pays artists better) Starbucks -> Local cafes (I’ve been doing this for 20+ years)
Eddie Van Halen would never have stood for this.
tell me without telling me that you’re behind on your child support payments
End of feed.