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I play MTG, protest, ride my bike, do queer shit, etc (She/Her)
Best wishes for your family. Screw the bluesky mods that are stifling you
Good news.. Opening the Karam Abu Salem commercial crossing to bring in aid is a prelude to opening the Rafah land crossing for patients and travelers 🤲🙏 So please push it more so by the time they open it I get enough money for my family to evacuate Save them please Thank you🙏 gofund.me/a216f8d8
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Muharebgofund.me Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety
Or they may have decided that the world's scorn couldn't return life and land to dead Palestinians, so killing as many as possible for as long as possible was worth whatever bad feeling they'd engender.
On Saturday we went ceasefire caroling imgur.com/a/DvRU24o
WE CHARGE YOU WITH GENOCIDE Biden You have a legal & moral duty to stop the genocide in Gaza, and yet you've enabled Israel to kill 21,000+ Palestinian people and counting with my tax dollars We call on you to demand a PERMANENT ceasefire now and to #StopArmingIsrael
4 drive-thru lanes in this new concept restaurant from McDonalds coming to my village of Bolingbrook. I don't even know if there's a way to walk up to it. This feels like 4 steps back in my goal to actually be able to walk in my town.
www.opensecrets.org/political-ac... Foster, Bill $61,117 Duckworth, Tammy $37,375 Durbin, Dick $1,250 I wonder why Dick Durbin is my only congressperson calling for a ceasefire. . .
I don't know much about the Amish but I got mad respect that they are always a solid portion of any Amtrak train
My Lift driver was really chill and nice. When I admitted to him I was just getting in town from the ceasefire Nov 4th Palestine protest we had a great conversation about it. When I got home I saw that his last name was Israel 😅
Israel warning refugees they are about to commit more war crimes if people don't ethnically cleanse themselves
We are making a push for ceasefire today. About to flood them with calls. Reports are the IDF has been shelling Gaza harder then ever and is starting the ground invasion. jvp.org/ceasefire
Reports are there are no internet connections left in Gaza after the most intense night of bombing since the start. There are also reports the IDF is now invading. I am just so devastated right now and completely out of energy, yet the killing continues
Reddit has been hard on censoring anything pro Palestine. Meanwhile, this guy gets to run along and have fun there
Here is an action toolkit if you are looking to help the Palestinian movement for liberation (or if you'd just like to help stop a genocide) bit.ly/StopGazaGenocide
The Onion is singlehandedly keeping me sane.
It's Monday. Your representatives offices are open, time to flood them with calls. We need immediate de-escalation and ceasefire uscpr.com/gazacall Cori Bush and others have put out a resolution for ceasefire so when you call your house rep push them to sign onto it bush.house.gov/media/press-...
More proof of IDF war crimes. It continues to be clear what they're goal is here. Ethnic cleansing www.bbc.com/news/world-m...
There are reports and videos of the Israeli army bombing the caravans of people evacuating. They won't even let people escape their own genocide
USCPR.org/GazaCall If you are in the U.S. please call your representatives today. We are desperately trying to get them to stop sending even more weapons to Israel and call for an immediate ceasefire to prevent a genocide
Finally succeeded in flipping the Maqluba
End of feed.