Mary Donegan

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Mary Donegan

Planning/policy econ dev research at UConn's Urban and Community Studies. All the yarn things, always tired, interested in making places better. Parent to kids in too many activities. She/her in nutmeggerland by way of NH MA & NC.
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For like a decade now, Teen Vogue has consistently done a better job of getting things right more than The Atlantic or the NYT or a whole ton of other publications
Cops Don't Belong at Campus The police are making it abundantly clear they're not there to protect students. But that’s also not news.
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YES. This generation of students has grown up understanding that their schools are war zones. Of course they’re ready for this moment. We forced them to prepare for it.
Also… Growing up with school shooter trainings taught them how to make quick barricades for doors.
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The faux-centrist pundits wouldn't dream of talking about white rural people in the terms that they do college students across the board [even though some college students hail from white rural communities]. They are utterly incurious about college students and full of contempt that they don't hide.
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It’s actually impressive how university administrators have consistently managed to escalate the situation on seemingly every damn campus. The semester is practically over. All they had to do was respect their students and wait.
And sign me up for a no confidence vote in President Maric. Brazen contempt for the university community to refuse to make statements while simultaneously sending state police out to arrest students & confiscate their property.
Textbook urban-planning-gone-bad is authority a) seeing people/lawful actions they don't like, b) passing new rules to make those actions illegal, c) selective enforcement against low power people. The silence of ACSP member school depts as this is done against students is gross.
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This is what happens when you try to do municipal social democracy without public sector capacity: actual implementation gets left to a whole ecosystem of unaccountable contractors, which is an invitation for graft.
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this lying sack of shit
There's something particularly gutting about knowing the person who helped you do tasks like put on your sweater or tie your shoes can't do them anymore because they're too confusing. Dementia sucks.
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Hochul deploying national guard is so embarrassing. On a day where we learn crime in subway was down 15% over last year she does this crap because the NY Post and conservative media poison brains and instead of calling them out she tries to appease the unappeasable. Also… numbers.
people not from new york think it’s scary because there aren’t enough cops and people from new york think it’s scary because there are too many
Trying to find the motivation for prep on this last day of teaching before break, it's not going well, perhaps it'll be a wash as students similarly struggle to find motivation to engage?
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Your regular reminder that we are in the midst of a slow rolling judicial coup against US democracy (and the 21st c., when I come to think of it.) If (when!--ed.) Biden wins in Nov. and Ds take congress, wholesale judicial reform has to be at the top of the agenda.
Do you feel better about yourself, Microsoft, when you ask me if I want to stay logged in but then you log me out every 6 hours anyways?
My hot take is: if your kids want cereal for breakfast and you make them wait over an hour so you can make bougie cinnamon toast crunch from scratch then you are creating an effed up relationship with food/ eating, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about you're lucky.
Thumbs down to parents who bring tween boys in their game shirts to women's college hockey games and then let them hurl misogyny at the women on the bench.
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Influential MAGA conservative tweeting admiringly of how Orban's authoritarian government suppressed dissent in universities. This is not a drill.
Hello to my fellow parents who can't visit a natural history museum without breaking into Dinosaur Train's Dinosaurs A to Z song.
Nothing really prepares you for marrying into a family that cheers when a dead cephalopod is thrown onto ice in front of thousands of people.
Underestimated how much of the post-PhD academic life can be summed up as "flailing about in google scholar"
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Free fare! (Of course frequency, reliability, accessibility safety all matter)
Feeling vindicated in how I've always gotten the ick every time a well-off suburban white man gushes about strong towns.
You need to go 5 days without a headache to get back from a concussion and saying that statement out loud is how you know who your fellow headache people are in this life.
Me as child: of course I can do the math in my head, writing down steps is stupid, I don't need to slow down Me as parent: "FFS child write down your steps," over and over again, to all the children
It might be cold and muddy but a day with a Jonathans spotting is always going to be a good day in Storrs.
I know I only have 5 more teaching days between now and spring break but sitting here right now? Whew that seems like quite the mountain to climb.
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Okay so I love that there is a phrase for the breakdown of trust in an institution that precedes everything going kablooey: hitting the trust thermocline. I feel like we are at a stage of rapid onset trust thermocline breaches in…like…a staggering number of institutions right now.
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A successful center + left coalition would provide alternatives for rural communities locked into dependency with prison economies. The pandemic has shown that the presence of prisons in a community = worse health for both incarcerated & non-incarcerated.