Aaron Cynic

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Aaron Cynic


Photographer, Chicago guy, punk rock nostalgia keeper. Sometimes I still write things too.
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I believe them that they will do this almost immediately upon taking office again. I have lots of questions about what we do on Left(s) about this. Who is working on this now? [I'm sure some groups must be]
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
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Please, Americans, get yourselves together. Hopelessness is the luxury of your privilege. Hopelessness is not something those who are in actual dire straights prioritize. This user is enduring genocide surrounded by intense bombing constantly, expressing continued hope for himself. Do the same.
I have great hope that I will survive, in the ray of these difficult circumstances that we have been going through since October 7, and to have a happy life, I dream of that every day, and I hope that my dream will come true 🙏🏼.
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Some of what's now being attributed to the debate was actually already happening before the debate.
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“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Saluting my refrigerator to "God Bless the USA"
House Republicans doing The People’s work.
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I am one of two photojournalists who have been at the National Conservatism conference for the last two days. Independent journalists are the only people covering stuff like this. Dominic Gwinn is the other. His substack is substack.com/@dominicgwinn Mine is: VisuNews.substack.com
Dominic Gwinn | Substacksubstack.com Freelance photojournalist. 🇺🇸🇨🇦 Seen in AP, WaPo, WSJ, NPR, DW, Der Spiegel, Le Point, etc. No flash, hold fast.
It's really wild how we live with so many bad things and act like they're immutable institutions we've never lived without. See DHS and ICE.
so many things about the US government that are now treated as Inviolable Precedent are based on things like "this is a number I just pulled out of my ass" and have been modified repeatedly over time until one day people decided changing the number was too hard it doesn't have to stay that way!
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so many things about the US government that are now treated as Inviolable Precedent are based on things like "this is a number I just pulled out of my ass" and have been modified repeatedly over time until one day people decided changing the number was too hard it doesn't have to stay that way!
Seven times between 1801 and 1869 Congress changed the size of the court, going from a low of five justices in 1801 to a high of ten in 1863. In most of those cases, as in 1801 and 1863, the size went up and down in order to fix an imbalance or overreach by the Supreme Court. My latest
The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Strongernewrepublic.com Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.
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The US government made a conscious decision after WW2 that communism was a threat and fascism wasn't. It amazes me the degree to which that gets ignored in order to act like the problem is new.
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Every "the problem with the left" jeremiad, even by ostensible leftists, rarely cite anything but confirmation bias, a non-representative selection of media figure disputes, outrageously dumb takes or phrases, picked to validate bullshit narratives created by the right wing years ago.
I sometimes see people discuss the American left as being intrinsically self-sabotaging, and it feels like any discussion that doesn't factor in the extent to which the mainstream reflexively shuts out and frequently actively crushes leftist activism is wilfully naive.
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This is the most maddening part about liberals trying to recreate the popularity of Obamas 2008 campaign; they not only fail to recognize his biggest draw was giving people policies they felt excited to vote *for*, but also now shit on any candidates who do exactly that as "too partisan to win"
When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
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French politicians weren't telling their voters to shut the fuck up, look what the alternative is. French citizens weren't telling each other to enjoy the camps. There was something to vote *for* other than a tired j/o gesture and a threat.
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The far right in France lost, in a very large part, because people weren't just being asked to vote against them but *for* something. The New Popular Front campaigned in taxing the shit out of the extremely wealthy, for instance.
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Happy 7/9 Day, Americans
I sincerely wish more people cheered things like this on 10 years ago instead of wringing their hands over free speech and civility.
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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this, and i'm really tired of folks being like, "we can't criticize biden because trump." shutting down criticism out of fear is some authoritarian shit. not demanding more from our leaders is some antidemocratic shit. i need us to think beyond binaries, to have bigger imaginations.
French politicians weren't telling their voters to shut the fuck up, look what the alternative is. French citizens weren't telling each other to enjoy the camps. There was something to vote *for* other than a tired j/o gesture and a threat.
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American libs seeing the french center party lose 80 seats, almost hand the country to fascists, and get bailed out by a strong Left coalition Macron opposed the whole time: "This is why you need hold your nose and vote for centrists"
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When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
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Reposted byAvatar Aaron Cynic
In the 80s, we thought Free College was on the precipice of being a reality. Now, young people think Free College is a fantasy. It happened in such a short timespan.
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i summed up project 2025 in one sentence. feel free to use. www.thehandbasket.co/p/trump-wind...
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Lord, I have seen what you have done for the great people of the state of Minnesota, and I want that for all Americans
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Trump gushed over Heritage and Roberts in a 2022 speech. Trump now claims not to know who is behind Project 2025, which is led by Roberts and Heritage. www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Donald Trump on Heritage’s Kevin Roberts, who oversees Project 2025: “He’s going to be so incredible”www.mediamatters.org
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Seven years ago. We stepped up, they stepped back
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a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
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katie work updates: on a whim i checked my work's covid policy and apparently as long as i isolate for 5 days it's fine for me to come back to work on day 6 even if i am still testing positive. unbelievable. the handling of covid in this country has been an absolute clown show.