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Maybe it’s me, but it does not sound entirely ethical for a judge to be allowed to dismiss criminal charges aganist the SAME PRESIDENT WHO APPOINTED HER
If you’re not angry about Trump, you’re part of the problem.
THIS PAST WEEK IN AMERICAN POLITICS As the debate demonstrated, our Presidents are fallible human beings. They can be dishonest, confused, corrupt, incoherent, petty, arrogant, & very deeply flawed. In other news, the SCOTUS granted them even more protection from any kind of legal prosecution.
I imagine their reasoning is along the lines of “We survived Trump the first time; we can survive him again.” But they are likely in denial of how effectively the existing structure of government kept him in check, and how much less likely that would remain true in a second Trump term.
I’ve been in a meeting with a number of men (and a handful of women) in suits, and while there has been intelligent discussion, my main impression is that Very Serious People are irrationally complacent about the consequences — economic and political — if Trump wins.
(Video circulates of Biden sitting in a chair very slowly) RNC RESEARCH: (shows 75% of video before cutting off end) 🔴: LOL BIDEN IS TRYING TO SIT IN A CHAIR THAT IS NOT THERE 🤪 (full video eventually sees light of day) 🔵: Are you people the dumbest motherfuckers alive?
Joe Biden does not believe in using the power of the Presidency to protect his son, because Joe Biden is a fair, decent, and honorable man. Donald Trump absolutely does believe in using the full power of the Presidency to protect himself, because Donald Trump is a crook and a scoundrel.
Donald Trump, the convicted felon Can’t keep track of the lies he’s tellin’ On TV, he is always yellin’ Face the color of a ripe muskmelon
R: But can anybody tell me what crimes Donald Trump actually committed? D: Falsifying business records to conceal a $130,000 hush-money payment to a porn star so she wouldn’t capsize his Presidential campaign by telling people they had sex R: I mean, does anybody really know?
Reposted byAvatar Dreamweasel
The internet being full of bullshit-on-purpose satirical humor killing AI because it can't distinguish between the satire and fact feels just like the cold virus killing the aliens in WAR OF THE WORLDS
🔵: Trump is indicted for 88 felonies 🔴: lol we don’t care 🔵: Trump regularly falls asleep in court 🔴: lol we don’t care 🔵: Trump re-Tweets Nazi propaganda 🔴: lol we don’t care
BIDEN: I support 100% of what Israel is doing 🌹: Biden is a genocidal maniac BIDEN: Fine, fine. I support 95% of what Israel is doing 🐘: Biden is a raving anti-Semite
TEN BIGGEST SURPRISES OF THE STORMY DANIELS TESTIMONY 10. Despite his widely-known reputation as a conservative family man, Donald Trump sometimes did cheat on his wife 9. After they finished, they laid in bed together for hours discussing the pros & cons of government bailouts and debt defaults
ERNST: My campaign ad where I castrated a pig cemented my bona fides as a right-wing badass with just enough gleeful cruelty to trigger the liberals RNC: Can you give us anything like that, Kristi? NOEM: Well, I once shot my dog RNC: NOEM: RNC: All right, let’s go with it
Man or bear? The choice is obvious: you pick the weasel.
TEN JERRY SEINFELD SITCOM PITCHES THAT WERE REJECTED BY THE WOKE MOB 10. What’s the Deal With Airline Food, and Why Are There So Many More Immigrants Now 9. Old People Who Keep Their Apartments Too Warm and Eat Dinner Too Early and Are All Surprisingly Close to My Age
AP: Polls show Trump pulling ahead of Biden CNN: Voters are clearly dissatisfied with Joe Biden and gas prices and grocery prices and the proliferation of fentanyl coming in from the southern border AP: Polls show Biden pulling ahead of Trump FOX: THE ILLEGALS ARE TAKING OVER
We’ll know that MAGA has forgiven Kristi Noem when the anchors at Fox News begin insinuating that she only shot the dog and goat to stop them from rioting and looting
TEN REASONS IT IS IMPORTANT FOR BIDEN AND TRUMP TO ONCE AGAIN DEBATE EACH OTHER 10. It would be a useful public service for the subset of the American people who have recently awakened from a five-year coma
TEN THINGS JOE BIDEN WOULD DO IF HE WERE GRANTED PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY BY THE SUPREME COURT 10. Executive Order for Baskin-Robbins to permanently reinstate ice cream flavor Superfudge Truffle 9. He’d declare himself the uncontested winner of the 2024 Democratic primary for President
JURY SELECTION AT THE TRIAL OF THE WORLD’S BIGGEST ASSHOLE DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Do you have any preconceptions about the World’s Biggest Asshole? 🔵: How could I not have any preconceptions about the World’s Biggest Asshole DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Thank you for your time
I know there’s heavy competition for Most Ridiculous Thing to Appear in a Photograph with Katy Perry, but I think the Cybertruck just wiped Left Shark off the map
🔴: College campuses should be a haven for provocative ideas and freedom of speech but the Intolerant Left is trying to shut it all down 🇵🇸: Free Palestine 🔴: Send in the National Guard
The purpose of Log Cabin Republicans is to persuade LGBT people to support Republicans. It is not to persuade Republicans to support LGBT people.
TEN REASONS DONALD TRUMP KEEPS NODDING OFF IN COURT 10. Another day, another felony trial 9. It’s difficult to follow discussion of complicated concepts like “fraudulent bookkeeping”, “seditious conspiracy”, and “election interference”
🔴: My big problem with campus protests against Israel is all of the anti-Semites who support Hamas 🔵: Almost none of them actually believe that 🔴: My big problem with trans agenda is the ones who are pressuring children into it 🔵: Almost nobody is actually doing that
🔴: The purpose of the Dobbs ruling was to evaluate abortion against the exact specifications of the Constitution 🔵: There’s no way to do that without personal bias - - 🔵: The purpose of the SDNY trial is to determine whether Trump broke the law 🔴: There’s no way to do that without personal bias
Reposted byAvatar Dreamweasel
21 year old at college: free Palestine NYT columnist: sounds like incitement to genocide Chris Rufo: dumbass idiots believe my shit, I love 2 lie, valedictorians must now poop in the school litter box to prove loyalty NYT columnist: thanks for letting me know my good man
It's mind blowing that Chris Rufo readily admits to operating in bad faith and major media outlets still take him at face value. The guy admits to not meaning what he says! Listen to him!
TEN REASONS DONALD TRUMP WOULD WANT TO ATTEND HIS SON BARRON’S HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION EVEN IF IT WEREN’T A CONVENIENT EXCUSE TO DELAY HIS TRIAL 10. Deeply regrets having missed all four of his other children’s graduations for no particular reason