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friend to all animals, data, sociology, Lorelei Gilmore level ☕️☕️
When is the asteroid coming?

Yea, I know #Klay has the record for most 3’s in a game, scored 60 pts in 29 min, 4 championships, is funny in post-game interviews, & will forever be a Splash Brother, but this is my favorite Klay Thompson video. youtube.com/shorts/V2m_B...
“Hello Klay Thompson” 💛💙 Canon Curryyoutube.com Golden State Warriors Boston Celtics
A concise script for contacting your electeds.
Ok - this is a question I get a LOT, and am starting to get a lot again. Here are a few tips on calling electeds: 1. Try not to stress too much about the method of contact - e.g. email/calling. The important thing is getting in touch.
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NYT search is awful. When I searched for "Project 2025", two articles were the top hit. The rest? About sports. wtf. Notice the 2nd headline & the use of the work "Conservative" to describe the project. It's not Conservative; it's fascist. Luckily, you can offer feedback on search results. Do it.
Love being subjected to 1.5 hours (& counting!) of illegal fireworks in my neighborhood while NYPD does nothing.
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And here's my checklist in graphic form.
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Pick a swing state, grab a friend, & write postcards. Every bit helps! I've done this in 2020 & enjoyed it. You'll get a script of what to write, reminding ppl of when to vote: "Voting is a matter of public record, but who you vote for is private...." www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/
Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Projectwww.turnoutpac.org Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. We proved it in 2020.
Jazz helps. If you're in NYC & can afford a ticket, these guys are excellent. They have student discounted tickets too in a SRO area of the main room. I've been a patron of Smoke for 10 yrs now, but haven't been as much since the Before Times (when I could more afford it). tickets.smokejazz.com
Shows - Smoke Jazz Clubtickets.smokejazz.com Purchase tickets for upcoming shows at Smoke Jazz Club.
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"Don’t have access to fireworks? Then celebrate by firing off a machine gun instead—or, wait, not a 'machine gun,' just a gun with a bump stock that makes a weapon discharge hundreds of rounds a minute, which is a totally different thing." www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/sup...
Supreme Court–Approved Ways to Celebrate the Fourth of Julywww.mcsweeneys.net Have a cookout The Fourth of July is a great opportunity to gather your friends and family outside and eat some burgers and hot dogs. On the land t...
You should absolutely listen to this.
NOW OUT: emergency episode on the emergency that is the Court’s immunity ruling. (tl;dr- SCOTUS goes full Dick Nixon, “if [Republican] Presidents do it, then it’s not illegal.” crooked.com/podcast/scot...
SCOTUS Hands Trump Presidential Immunity | Crooked Mediacrooked.com
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SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
Now what the fuck do we do? This is so absolutely depressing & de-motivating. #SCOTUS www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
I think the Loper decision that overruled Chevron deference supports the Schedule F changes in admin agency positions in Project 2025...where they fire ppl who have expertise in their field of study, & replace them w/ppl who are loyal to Drumpf & will carry out his policies. youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s
Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)youtu.be John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s plans for a second term, why it could be much worse than his first term, and what Trump has in common with a hamster. Co...
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The commentariat needs to go for a walk and take some deep breaths. The idea of ditching an incumbent president w an astoundingly impressive track record in the midst of a booming economy is preposterous. Focus on the authoritarian felon threatening our democracy. And maybe freak out about SCOTUS. 🙄
Me: waiting for the new #StrictScrutiny episode. I need the ladies to explain the full ramifications of the shitty decisions from earlier today.😔
I just read @elienyc.bsky.social 's recap of the SCOTUS decisions over on the bird site. I feel sick.
Pick a swing state, grab a friend, & write postcards. Every bit helps! I've done this in 2020 & enjoyed it. You'll get a script of what to write, reminding ppl of when to vote: "Voting is a matter of public record, but who you vote for is private...." www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/
Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Projectwww.turnoutpac.org Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. We proved it in 2020.
"Decoupling the right to marry from the right to cohabitate is how the conservatives are going to vitiate same-sex unions." And, "Muñoz is a poisoned dart to same-sex marriage: It doesn’t hurt as much as a shotgun to the chest, but it will kill you just the same." www.thenation.com/article/soci...
The Supreme Court Just Took Its First Swipe at Marriage Equalitywww.thenation.com Last week, the conservative justices buried a soft repudiation of Obergefell in an immigration case, likely laying the ground for more attacks.
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All. Please. I'm begging. Stop trying to push for a brokered convention. Real life is not an Aaron Sorkin episode, and you know why the future frontrunners (e.g. Whitmer, etc.) wouldn't? It would tear the party in half, and at an even more critical time than right now. Politics is not Vegas.
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Oh, and PS: Journalists? CALL. TRUMP'S. LIES. OUT. The focus shouldn't be about age right now, you've done 1000000 articles. The focus is on the substance of the issue. Please.
"This is banning people from government property,” she said. “Let’s think very carefully before we do that.” She added: “We will see you in court.” (Susan Gottehrer, the director of the Nassau County chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union). Gift link: www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/n...
County Legislature in N.Y. Suburbs Passes Transgender Athlete Banwww.nytimes.com The majority-Republican Nassau County Legislature approved a bill that bars transgender athletes from playing at county-owned facilities on teams that match their gender identity.
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Please help if you can. Reposting helps too. 🙏
This is a #GoFundMe for Dusty the Camp fire kitty and his human, Elizabeth. (He’s a special needs cat who she rescued in 2018 from the California Camp fires.). They need to find a new place to live. Please help & share if you can. Thank you. 🙏 ♥️ gofund.me/faecfe7c
Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home, organized by Elizabeth Whitenergofund.me Hi, I’m Elizabeth. In 2018, my Dad fell ill, and I moved to Virginia to care f… Elizabeth Whitener needs your support for Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home
Please help if you can. Reposting helps too. 🙏
This is a #GoFundMe for Dusty the Camp fire kitty and his human, Elizabeth. (He’s a special needs cat who she rescued in 2018 from the California Camp fires.). They need to find a new place to live. Please help & share if you can. Thank you. 🙏 ♥️ gofund.me/faecfe7c
Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home, organized by Elizabeth Whitenergofund.me Hi, I’m Elizabeth. In 2018, my Dad fell ill, and I moved to Virginia to care f… Elizabeth Whitener needs your support for Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home
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This is a #GoFundMe for Dusty the Camp fire kitty and his human, Elizabeth. (He’s a special needs cat who she rescued in 2018 from the California Camp fires.). They need to find a new place to live. Please help & share if you can. Thank you. 🙏 ♥️ gofund.me/faecfe7c
Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home, organized by Elizabeth Whitenergofund.me Hi, I’m Elizabeth. In 2018, my Dad fell ill, and I moved to Virginia to care f… Elizabeth Whitener needs your support for Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home
This is a #GoFundMe for Dusty the Camp fire kitty and his human, Elizabeth. (He’s a special needs cat who she rescued in 2018 from the California Camp fires.). They need to find a new place to live. Please help & share if you can. Thank you. 🙏 ♥️ gofund.me/faecfe7c
Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home, organized by Elizabeth Whitenergofund.me Hi, I’m Elizabeth. In 2018, my Dad fell ill, and I moved to Virginia to care f… Elizabeth Whitener needs your support for Help Eli, Dusty and Ruby Find a Home