
I 100% believe that Biden is out of it but I read the Nuzzi thing and it’s awfully breathless for a story that doesn’t have a whole lot of direct quotes in it.
I mean her whole “journalist” origin story was deeply unethical imagine finding yourself as the slimiest person on the … (checks notes) … Anthony Weiner campaign
Those tweets asking Ann Coulter to be her friend is so goddamn funny.
Yeah I mean come on man. She’s got less than zero credibility
Why embarrass yourself trying to befriend Ann Coulter when you can just put a wig on a kneecap and have the same experience?
the cool thing about reading this is i have heard very little about most of the people in there the past few years. less ann coulter in the scroll is Good.
There is a reason they call her Olivia Nazi
My impression of people like Nuzzi and others circa 2015-16 is that they thought they had a hook to boost "alt-right" freaks like Yianouplolois by contrasting them to Trump, and when Trump won, all these creeps got bigger platforms, got sloppy, and we got a good look at how truly awful they were.
To be clear, the people inside media like Nuzzi who wanted to boost right wing shitheels like Yiananpopolopoulis were right shitheels themselves on the sly, and saw the "alt right" framing as a way to get their ugly, shitty politics into the news.
i liked dan lyons's book "disrupted", didn't realize he's a piece of shit
Deadspin comments byke?
I just noticed, comments work on Deadspin again!
Seems to be the MO of a lot of our political reporters. It’s all a game to them. They are all on the same team.
Thanks for the reminder. Tough to keep track of all these clout chasing clowns that hold prestigious and influential jobs!
I'm late to this but she's a world class hack who got lucky that she worked on a campaign of one of the biggest public assholes in politics (Weiner) and wrote about it. I did enjoy her 2016 coverage but, like many, she traded scruples for access during the Trump era and hasn't really looked back.