Frances Stewart

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Frances Stewart

physician, integrative health coach, retired US Navy Captain, #ActOnClimate, #EndGunViolence, #Democracy
Also a $60 single burner induction cooktop can replace like 70%+ of a gas stove, which is a LITERAL lifesaver if like it is hella smokey outside and you dont have a good exhaust and you want to just boil water for pasta or whatever.
Oooh if we are doing toaster oven discourse my whole thing is that a toaster oven is a like 90% replacement for a gas oven and a very good and cheap way to use slightly less fossil fuel and improve indoor air quality a lot.
Our cold climate heat pump let us avoid all but 2% of our gas heating needs this year. We use more electricity but less energy overall. Our emissions have plummeted because we use 100% renewable electricity purchased over the grid & our operating costs for gas & electric have also decreased. 🧪 💡🔌
50 billionaire families have already poured $600M+ into this year's elections — mostly in support of Trump. That's only 0.6% of their total wealth. It essentially costs them nothing to drown our democracy in dark money.
If only we had detailed information telling us the climate is changing far faster than any time in human history... ...and if only we had an unambiguous physical explanation for why those changes have occurred... ...then some politicians would still deny any problem exists.
If the disastrous rain storms are NOT due to climate change, then guess what? Climate change is going to make it even worse. You’re making an argument for more and stronger action, not less!
As residents and businesses in South Florida assessed the damage from this week’s historic rainfall and floods, Gov. Ron DeSantis and his administration pushed back against assertions that the storm had anything to do with climate change.
DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his administration are pushing back against assertions that the storm had anything to do with climate change.
This is important reading! There is lots that we can do individually & collectively to address human generated climate change. And all reductions in emissions are helpful! We've cut our emissions at home by 82% shifting from mostly gas to 100% renewable electricity for almost all appliances 🧪💡🔌.
Throwback to episode 126, when Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a pioneering Atmospheric Scientist and evangelical Christian, showed the world how to tackle climate change with data and science, not just faith. 🌍💡 #katharinehayhoe #climatescientist #climatechange #atmosphericscience
The world is finally investing in climate solutions. But are we investing in the *right* ones? No, not really. Science can help us find the best solutions using 6 simple criteria, which I outline in my TED talk. Please check it out & share with your network. Thank you!
The climate solutions worth funding — When it comes to climate solutions, "now is better than new, and time is more important than tech," says scientist Jonathan Foley. He presents a six-part framework to more efficiently address climate ...
My one caveat in my build transmission skepticism — new transmission that supports regional transfers. Reliability in a system dominated by variable production will be much better with stronger regional ties. If we build any new lines, focus on that:
After what I’ve learned in the past year, here’s my pitch: we’re going about finding new grid capacity for clean energy and electrification all wrong. A thread. (And one caveat) #transmission #cleanenergy
SUM: If you are pro-transmission without also supporting serious structural reform of our #transmission planning and building process, without prioritizing upgrades to existing wires and distributed energy, then you aren’t serious about solving the transmission problem. /end
Essential “The true threat is the delusion that our opinion of science somehow alters its reality… The window to prevent widespread dangerous human interference with the climate system is closing fast. Rejecting this reality puts us all at risk.”
Katharine Hayhoe: 'The true threat is the delusion that our opinion of science somehow alters its reality' Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says that scientists have no option but to fight against the politicisation of science
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