
Some people don't get Covid: Novel immune responses have been discovered that explain why some people have avoided Covid. 36 volunteered to be infected on purpose. That study revealed specific immune defenses that these people produce that keeps them Covid-free
Immune response study explains why some people don't get Scientists have discovered novel immune responses that help explain how some individuals avoid getting COVID-19.
I read much and scanned the rest of the Nature paper for what I would've been interested in seeing, demographics of the volunteers beyond age. Age already being rather young compared to the people who, last I knew, were more likely to become ill from the virus. Plus women usually underrepresented.
Not the kind of study where the subjects can be selected. These were volunteers for science in the truest sense of the term because they were volunteering to be infected. The aim was to understand the infection process and the defenses that the body mounts to thwart it.
Most interesting. I met a person who hasn’t had it but has been around family who all got it & in a workplace where colleagues routinely turned up while in full infection & they have stayed COVID clear. They will be the stars of the show about the COVID apocalypse. 🥴 #TheLastOfUs #TheAnointedOnes
They will. As will those of us forced for over four years now to isolate ourselves and wear masks. #disability #CovidIsNotOver
Just read your profile. Despair for the world. Yep. Me too. Every time I encounter a gorgeous young person I just want to hug them and say that I’m so sorry that we 40+-year-olds are ruining their world and their futures.
Yes. The #LongCOVID got me good last year but my doctor just kept dismissing my symptoms as me being fat. But no. It wasn’t. The symptoms I started getting in Sept/Oct turned out to be the warning signs of the #RheumatoidArthritis, which arrived with a big HELLO of pain in Jan. 💯% C19 isn’t over.
Yeah. Because there are all those symptoms and diseases that ONLY fat people get, right? What would he say to a skinny? I hope you got a new doctor and I’m so sorry.
It was a female doctor. I was bleeding continually for six months, she said my iron would be fine, my iron has never been fine, she said it wasn’t perimenopause, she said it wasn’t triggered by COVID (it began two weeks after I was infected) & that all my symptoms were just down to my weight. Grrr
What an absolute cow. She should not be treating the public. That is just so outrageous. I am horrified on your behalf. My (young ,thin) friend had pain and bleeding for years. Lost weight. Was told she should “stop starving herself to be beautiful”. She died in February. It was bowel cancer.
By the time I saw the new doctor, I was in incapacitating pain with the rheumatoid arthritis and I wasn’t in the mood to be ignored and that was very clear in my face and the tone of my voice. So she’s been really good. 🤭🤭