Meltem Yucel

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Meltem Yucel

NIH NRSA Postdoc @ DukeU • evolution, gossip, morality • she/her • Previously @ UVA • • Founder: ( •
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I’m a big believer in people deleting bad takes and the rest of us not reminding people for eternity with screen caps that we saw the take People receiving criticism for an opinion and then updating their willingness to publicly state that opinion is actually a good thing.
someone posted a thing I & a fair few others disagreed with and now I'm seeing the usual "oh they deleted it lolol" takes well yes they saw the reaction and thought better of the take isnt that what you'd like? Or should we have them keep a bad take up forever for the dunking experience it gives us
Being a social scientist means that my project to-do list often looks like this: - Plan new Gossip - Edit new Gossip - Respond to Hate Speech
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After asking the government (or private foundations) to pay for the costs of doing research, we conduct the research and write papers about it that our peers review for free, then we donate those papers to for-profit companies that sell them back to us at high prices. This is considered normal.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
SPP bound? Check out Jessa's poster on Friday, June 21, 2024, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Poster#201 Rules in context: Exploring children’s motivation to follow rules - Jessa Stegall, Meltem Yucel, Xin Zhao, Yue Yu, Shaun Nichols, and Tamar Kushnir #SPP2024 #SPP24 #PsychSciSky #devpsyc #AcademicSky #cogsci
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me: *complains about something i believe to be a niche academic issue* friend, who is not in academia: that just sounds like "having a job"
“Contractors’ longevity stems in part from their ability to outlast administrations... No wonder, then, that poverty sticks around. There’s simply too much demand for it.”
The Rise of Poverty How helping the poor became big business
Ending the week with one paper acceptance and one paper submission. Job market year, here I come!
Sharpening my social network analysis skills using what I know best: Formula 1 (yes, at 10 pm) #F1 #AcademicSky
🇺🇸 Guess who became a U.S. citizen today? 🇺🇸
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Avatar just a random note of appreciation for which is an AMAZING resource for undergraduates thinking of applying to PhD programs. Its kind of hard to state how important this is for our field! Goal:
Proud to have been nominated for the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award at Duke. Congratulations to the awardees!
Many thanks to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill's developmental area for inviting me for a talk and for their wonderful questions!
Woohoo!! NIH postdoc stipends are going up!
#MPA2024 was so fun! Thank you for inviting me for a talk! And the conference hotel is such an iconic venue, just look at that lobby!
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Trying to decide on what lab software to invest in the lab...if you had to pick...Both have Tobii integration which is important for me since that's the eye-tracker we have. Inquisit or E-prime??
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A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic
In Turkish, instead of writing "et al." which corresponds to "and others," they write "ve ark." which corresponds to "and friends." I love it. #AcademicSky #PsychSciSky
Getting my summer academic reading list ready. 🤓 #norms
Avatar had an exciting talk (of course) at the #ExpandingEmpathy series on how people's moral convictions motivate their behavior.
I'll say it again, we are the luckiest 🍀 Can't wait for you to join us, Dorsa!!
Folks, I’ve got news. Good news. The best news. This summer, I’ll be joining the faculty of Duke University as an Assistant Professor of Psychology! 🎉 Could not be more excited to be a part of the Duke community and make Durham our new home.
Tamar Kushnir: The more possible kids thought it was to do things, the more they picked to do the hard thing. #CDS2024
Come see Jessa Stegall’s poster on Exploring children’s motivation to pay a cost to follow norms at P3-137 #CDS2024
The talk was fun, but in the most classic LA fashion, I got to be a background character in America’s Got Talent 😎 #CDS2024 #DBNatCDS2024 #PsychSciSky #socialpsyc #devpsyc
How do 🇸🇬 Muslim, 🇸🇬 Buddhist, and 🇨🇳 religiously unaffiliated children think about different norms and who they apply to? Come see our talk at the #CDS2024 “Building a Global Research Collaborative” preconference on Thursday at 2:45pm, and wish me a #HappyBirthday 🎂
Yuko Munakata’s plenary talk at #CDS2024 was **chef’s kiss** She highlighted the role of social contexts (norms, cultural habits, systems, etc.) can play in how kids engage in executive function.
Abigail McLaughlin on social essentialism in Peru and Uganda: #DBNatCDS2024 #CDS2024
Boli Reyez-Jaquez on U.S. children's reasoning about first- vs. third-person religious group membership #DBNatCDS2024 #CDS2024
Hannah Kramer on children's religious identity awareness in Northern Ireland #DBNatCDS2024 #CDS2024
Allison Williams: How are religious and supernatural beliefs transmitted within and between generations? -Parental example -Religious community influence -Religious practices -Rules and boundaries #DBNatCDS2024 #CDS2024
Kara Weisman: What is common across cultural-religious settings? A distinction between folk biology and folk psychology What varies? How physical, social-emotional, and sociological properties fit in #DBNatCDS2024 #CDS2024