Josh Grubbs

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Josh Grubbs

Very (un)serious person who, occasionally, makes friends along the way…
making some woodland friends in Pennsylvania before heading back to New Mexico
Saw this a few days ago and I don’t want to subtweet folks but the “Tetris stops PTSD” study (and claims like this stemming from that study) from several years back is not replicable and is entirely misinformation that honestly should not still be making the rounds And don’t get me started on EMDR
Spending time abroad and then returning to the states makes me more grateful for certain* American luxuries than you could ever know *paper towels and large amounts of water served with meals
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Friends, in the wake of national news that tempts you to post your hot takes, join me in the fellowship of the silent and employed who want to stay that way
Don’t understand the monarchy but I do like the fancy castles
Can you imagine leading such an impoverished life?
I once saw a guy on Reddit say that a sandwich is NEVER worth the time and effort it takes to assemble it. I think about him every day.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grubbs
We aren't! Unemployment remains near record lows and median wages are increasing faster than inflation. Stock market at all-time highs. Economic growth persistently strong.
We ARE in a recession this is delusional or gaslighting.
Random British gentleman here in London: “so, where are you guys from?” Me: “the states!” RBG: “well I’ve ‘eard you speaking so I knew that part di’n’t I?” —I think we are the ones with the funny accent here?
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grubbs
it's like Cybertruck owners somehow didn't experience any cars until they bought this one and they have no idea what like every car can do, they see the Cybertruck with virgin car eyes like peasants if we took one back to the 1400s "you can fit one wheelbarrow's -worth of stuff in there? daaamn!"
My dude I once fit 40 mulch bags—which are **bigger** than soil bags— in my Honda Odyssey
Four cases of water and two bags of potting soil — and this Cybertruck driver needed to make a brag post??!! Honey, I can fit ALL of that in the front seat and leg room of my Subaru
We’ve had a phenomenal time in this little principality
Students in the BAAAD Lab presenting in Gibraltar
Students in the BAAAD Lab presenting in Gibraltar
Reminds me a touch of a painting I saw this week
Breaking news: The first projections after polls closed in France’s legislative election put a leftist alliance in the lead, as the populist, anti-immigration far right falls behind and performs far below expectations.
France election live updates: Left-wing bloc leads in results The populist, anti-immigration National Rally party had been hoping to install France’s first far-right government since World War II, with 28-year-old Jordan Bardella as prime minister.
I'm now hearing this meme that says Garland, Mensch, et al. are fully cracking, just lost in the current twitter environment. Guys. It's time for some game theory.
Did it again earlier today. The current update is that Eric Garland says he is close to being thrown in jail by family court, but behind his ex-wife's machinations...a hidden hand
aún más paella!
May you find the same sense of peaceful, contented, quiet reflection in your day that my son finds in one of the most spectacular cathedrals in the world
Me: “Brantley, it’s your turn to sleep in the air mattress tonight” B: “there’s no way I can sleep on that thing; it’s not fair, Jack is the youngest, he should have to sleep on there! I can’t sleep on something like that!” **a literal five minutes later**
These catalonians like their Gaudi
May you find the same sense of peaceful, contented, quiet reflection in your day that my son finds in one of the most spectacular cathedrals in the world
May you find the same sense of peaceful, contented, quiet reflection in your day that my son finds in one of the most spectacular cathedrals in the world
Más paella!
Not really a morning city, but that makes it easier to have these moments
Not really a morning city, but that makes it easier to have these moments
I have eaten the paella that was on my little plate and which you were probably hoping to see photos of Forgive me it was delicious so rich and so bold
I have eaten the paella that was on my little plate and which you were probably hoping to see photos of Forgive me it was delicious so rich and so bold
Made it to Barcelona, and you know what that means??? It’s paella time
Made it to Barcelona, and you know what that means??? It’s paella time
Trains ftw
Trains ftw
The kids really did great for two hours of the tour that lasted three hours
The kids really did great for two hours of the tour that lasted three hours
May you find the same awestruck wonder in your day that my son finds in priceless works of art