Dr. NerdLove

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Dr. NerdLove


Free now of the chains of Twitter, traveling the world and doing good. Dispensing the best dating advice on the Internet. Send your dating questions to [email protected].
Now in early access for my Patrons: he's a little effeminate in his style, mannerisms and hobbies. Does this mean he's not going to be "man" enough for the women he wants to date? Also: where does a newly out ace woman go to meet people? www.patreon.com/post...
It's probably a good day to stay off social media. But just in case: timeline cleanse.
When you absolutely understood the point of Fight Club...
Now in early access on Patreon: He wants to get better with women, but it's never the 'right' time and there're always reasons to do something else. How does he stop putting barriers to his own progress and get out of his own way? www.patreon.com/post...
Now in early access for my Patrons: his ex won't tell him why they broke up. Does she owe him an explanation? Does she owe him ANYTHING after a year together? www.patreon.com/post...
It is wolbear Wednesday, my dudes.
Ok anyone else feel a neuron unlock upon seeing this?
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Happy birthday America, have a picture of my cat being adorable.
Now live on Patreon: he's got lots of female friends and acquaintances who think he's the bee's knees and the badger's nadgers. But why are they the ONLY ones who think that way? Why does he keep getting shot down by the women he likes? www.patreon.com/post...
Now in early access on Patreon: His sex drive is large and in charge and it's out of control leading him to *checks notes* not use condoms with sex workers? Hang on a minute... www.patreon.com/post...
Life’s chaos, everything feels horrifying. Have a picture of my cat pinning me to the couch because he likes making sure I can’t move around much when he’s gotten comfy.
Now in early access for my Patrons: he always dreamed about marrying young and starting a family. Now he's still single and running out of time. What does he need to do to save his dream? www.patreon.com/post...
Now live in early access for my Patrons: He can't read body language, he doesn't pick up on social cues and he's touch averse. So how can he let women know he's into them? www.patreon.com/post...
Yar har fiddle dee dee/ cats as parrots are alright with me…
Now live on early access for my Patrons: He knows he needs to let the incel community go, but he can't quite let go of those beliefs. Isn't it true that they have some valid points? How can he leave it all behind? www.patreon.com/post...
And thus the prophecy has come to pass…
Now live for my Patrons: one older virgin struggles with keeping Reddit from destroying his confidence, while another reader doesn't have the attitude to be a proper short king. What should he do? www.patreon.com/post...
I discovered a movie review website in part because I recognized the art style from a guy who was a friend of a friend, then went to one of their first fan-meetups, which lead to getting invited to sit in on the podcast that then lead to starting an advice blog.
That’s guilty! Guilty, guilty guilty!!!
Ok admittedly my OTHER problem with the game is the default female main character model looks like my wife to the point that it was *uncanny*. So when I made my PC to look like me, we thought it would be fun to see them together in that world. Then, welp…
This is probably the best description I’ve ever seen of why I love Jim Steinman’s music. Amusingly well timed with my having found the Streets of Fire soundtrack on vinyl, proving that I definitely have A Problem.
Today in “It Came From the Inbox”: Elliot Rogers’ manifesto(?!?)